Embracing a Healthy Family: ACE WEIGHT LOSS ($90 VALUE) GIVEAWAY


ACE is all natural dietary supplement that supresses your appetite with no jitters or side effects. contains: Vandium, Cocoa poder, Green Tea, Chromium, Vitamin B 6, spirulina. All included in a gelatin capsule, also includes cellulose, magnesium stearate, silica and stearic acid.
In July 2011 Junetta found herself at a desparate state. Ready to just jump in and do what ever it took to lose weight, unhappy about herself and her life- Junetta found ACE by a friend. She introduced Junetta to it after she had lost 36 pounds in 4 months! and kept it off. Junetta was excited. Finally a product that MAY WORK! With out mixing drinks/etc. Just a pill you can take one or two times a day. In the first few months the weight really came off! Then in 9 months she was down 75 pounds. She wasn't going to start a business with it, but with people asking 100's of questions she is now helping others to reach their goals personally financially and hopefully physically!

Junetta is giving one lucky reader the chance to win an Ace Prize Package!
One winner will get the following:
15 Sample Packs of Ace Weight-loss (2 pills in each pack)
60 Count Bottle of Ace
a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*This product is not FDA approved as it is like a vitamin essentially with no harmful side effects however has allowed many to loose weight.

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Unknown said...

i dont exercise lol

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Love to do zumba
Misty hernandez

Anonymous said...

I try to do portion control and go at least 2x a week to do zumba no hard core workout, but it is something

Holly S. said...

My favorite is walking.

Holly S. said...

I stay active and take a daily multivitamin. I don't eat "fast" food either. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

not as healthy as I want to be yet! BUt IM giving it my best shot

Anonymous said...

Tae Bo is my fav but want to try zumba as well

lizzieloushoes said...

I love to run!

Hotsnotty2 said...

I love jogging, thanks for the chance


Hotsnotty2 said...

I jog and go to the gym


thescribbler said...

My favorite exercise is swimming.

thescribbler said...

I am currently trying to lose weight and become healthier. Turning 51 next month, the past two years I've gained a tremendous amount of weight due to the stress of losing my husband unexpectedly. Winning this prize would be a Godsend, I've been praying to come up with the money to try ACE since I read about it. Keeping my fingers crossed!

AMBER said...

Walter & walking

tracey berthiaume said...

exercise bike
tracey berthiaume

tracey berthiaume said...

lots of doc visits, and i need to lose weight as i am borderline diabectic now
tracey berthiaume

Aunt Maggie Rocks said...

Dancing is my favorite exercise.

Maggie Ann True Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion.com

Aunt Maggie Rocks said...

I try to watch my calorie intake and I stay active.

Maggie Ann True Armstrong
maggie at pdclarion dot com

BethElderton said...

Caring for toddlers and preschoolers
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

I like to stay healthy by eating well.
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

vanessa said...

my fav exercise is the elliptical

vanessa said...

i try to stay healthy by eating natural organic foods, exercising and taking vitamins daily

Anonymous said...

I walk 5 miles a day unless the weather is not cooperating, then I get on the treadmill for an hour

Anonymous said...

Try to eat healthy and get all my water in every day

Heather! said...

I enjoy swimming!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Heather! said...

I take (and give to my family) supplements based on what we might need or be lacking in our diets, along with a multivitamin. This is all in an effort to try to stay healthy all year long!

h4schaffer at gmail dot com

Patty1278 said...

I love to Jog and do zumba and eat healthy and get my vitamins with my diet ... I would love win this awesome giveaway thanks for the opportunity

Unknown said...

I love running.

Unknown said...

I quit smoking and am eating more healthy foods and exercising.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I've been doing Weight Watchers

missmi621 said...

I like Pilates, and any workout games on my Xbox360 and Wii!

missmi621 said...

I like Pilates, and any workout game on my Wii and Xbox 360!

missmi621 said...

I try to eat well balanced meals whenever I can...and eat lots of fruits and veggies. I also try to workout whenever I can.

lokigsd said...

Haven't touched fast food and pop since New Years. Following the diabetic diet - though I am not diabetic. I could really use some more help.
Liked on fb!

sweepinmomma123 said...

favorite exercise is walking

sweepinmomma123 said...

try to stay healthy by eating right

Shirley said...

Walking, I really love walking.

Shirley said...

By trying to eat healthy..

Megomania said...

Walking.....I literally walk EVERYWHERE!!!

Megomania said...

Commitment is how I stay Healthy!!!

ChristinaP said...

I love to do any type of exercise on my Wii

ChristinaP said...

I love doing any exercise on my Wii

ChristinaP said...

Eating right!

Darlene Wright said...


neoh42f said...

I stay healthy by walking as often as I can!

Mami2jcn said...

I'm entering on the rafflecopter with my FB username (Mary Happymommy).

My favorite exercise is walking.

Mami2jcn said...

I'm entering on the rafflecopter with my FB username (Mary Happymommy).

I try to stay healthy by taking vitamins and watching what I eat.

Theresa Evans said...

I am trying to get back into running. I am not healthy now. My family is trying to go all natural and organic with our and I take multivitamin supplements.

tamila said...

favorite excercise?? are you KIDDNG meee? ahahaha - I hate them ALL!!! but...I walk and do enjoy swimming more than any other.

I try to stay motivated to work out and take vitamins to stay healthy too!

lizzieloushoes said...

I love to run!

judy said...

I tried to like your post-it keep[s saying error-my name is judy shockley

judy said...


judy said...

I try to eat healthy ,a tip I learned was to add a piece of fruit like strawberries when eating your greens,it makes them more beneficial

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