
Advertising Turnaround: "Exploiting" Men

I've long wondered why everything evolves around half dressed women in the rammed down our throat perception of the "ideal" woman who really isn't a "real sized" woman.  Of course there are women who wear size 0, sports size DD bras and is just perfect looking all around but that is not the norm.  Given what the average American woman is, I can't understand why we are bombarded with these images of women who look hungry.  I also don't understand given the population demographics of our country.  We are a country with more women than men.  Women work more now so definitely have buying power so why do the commercials and shows cater to men?  Do the advertisers really think us women want to have those images bombarded in our heads?  Do they want to create a society that we can't live up to?  I think it's dangerous on many fronts and then they scratch their heads at the soaring number of eating disorders among girls and women.

I diverted a bit but the topic of this post is THANK YOU ADVERTISERS!  I'm happy to see that businesses are now turning the tables and are exploiting men.  My oldest saw the Liquid Plumr commercial and immediately thought of me.  In fact, every time she sees a like minded commercial, she lets me know.  I've even went so far to write advertisers to give them kudos.  Maybe if men were bombarded with images of perfect, hot men, they might see how it feels to think you have to live up to the perfect image.  I was watching a vodka commercial called Save the Fireman and again, it was of another commercial for us women.  I'm glad to see more and more advertisers are figuring it out.  

There are more women then men.  We have buying power.  We want commercials catered to us too!

I had to share this one because I love it:

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