
Tropicana Pure Premium 100% Pure Florida Orange Juice #TropFloridaOJ Sweepstakes

There is something magical about Florida and there are two thoughts that come to mind when I hear Florida:  Disney and orange juice.  For me, it's not just any juice but Tropicana Pure Premium 100% Pure Florida Orange Juice.  I have always been a fan of Tropicana especially when I was sick with a cold, I would ask only for Tropicana.  It's the most freshest tasting orange juice in my opinion.  

I've been to Florida many times and love it.  I have fond memories of every time I've been there and I can still remember the first time I saw an orange tree.  Growing up in Indiana doesn't afford you the opportunity to see an orange tree and given that I led a sheltered life, it was really cool to see it.  Although the first time I saw an orange tree in Florida wasn't associated with my most favorite visit, it does tie in with my memories.

Two year's ago, I took all three of my girls to Florida.  We stayed in a rental house and went to Disney.  We happened to go on a Sunday and it was during Star Wars weekends so we were in heaven.  All three of my girls are Star Wars fans so this was the ultimate trip.  After we had our fill of Disney, we did some exploration of the surrounding areas within Florida.  The girls were equally tickled with the orange trees as we had a grove of them near the rental house.  I didn't know this but Tropicana is the single largest buyer of Florida fruit and uses groves in 22 different counties across Florida.  One of the things we also did when we arrived was to shop for groceries as it's so much more convenient to have your own food when you are relaxing.

If you are heading out to Florida this year, check out the surroundings if you are driving around.  Did you know that oranges have been grown in Florida since the 1560's?  I had no idea!  Tropicana's history even dates back to the 1960's with one of their grower relationships.  It's nice to hear how much Tropicana remains a part of our history today.

Tropicana has a sweepstakes right now called Tropicana's Perfect Pick.  All you have to do is go to their Facebook page (click link) and "like" the page and start picking to see if you have won a trip to Sarasota or a year's supply of orange juice (12 coupons)!  You can enter once a day and you get fun little tid bits of information.  Might as well learn all you can before you embark on that next trip as it's fun to play did you know with your little ones.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Tropicana blogging program, to earn My SocialMoms Rewards Points. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.

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