
Saving for College with Free Educational Savings Program

It took me about 20 years to pay off the debt I accumulated from college.  I did it on my own and had no help other than some Pell Grants here and there which explains why it took 20 years to pay off my student loans.   Although savings programs weren't around when I was growing up, I'm still not taking advantage of them like I should be.  My oldest is in college now and I still have to prepare for when my four and eight year olds are of age.  There are many programs out there but I can honestly say I haven't checked into them until today.  I went to the Mission Tuition site today to see what their free educational savings program for parents, students and their relatives were about and I can say it looks like an easy way to contribute while having fun (i.e. shopping)!

While you shop, you can earn your favorite little student or students money through cash rebates.   There are also special discounts that are available so it's worth checking them out before you shop.   Mission Tuition is also free to use so it doesn't get much better than that.  Not only can you save money online but you can also with in store trips with participating stores.  There are also money saving coupons available.  

I was curious to see which stores were participating and was happy to see a nice drop down feature that allowed me to search for the store I want.  I was amazed at the number of merchants participating and am assured with the great quality of those who are in the program.  There are even sections to help give you tips on saving for college and preparing for the big day.  It really is a great one stop shop to help offset the cost of college.

*Disclosure:  This is a sponsored post.  However, I was free to write how I wanted to on Mission Tuition and although I did not use the service yet, the opinions on what I reviewed are of my own.

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