
Progresso® Souper You® Contest

Progresso® is happy to announce its top ten finalists (out of more than 10,500) in the Souper You® Contest! From now until March 25, you can visit daily to cast your vote and help your favorite contestants win an ultimate makeover experience in Hollywood this Spring.  That's a great number of contestants and it's great to see so many people committed to wanting to feel better and look better.

If you vote, you will also be entered for your chance to win one of three prize packs for a one-year supply of Progresso Soup and other goodies!   Remember that you get an entry for every vote (per day) you cast!

Here are the 2011 winners:

Even if you´re not a finalist, Progresso can help you to continue to stick to your weight management plan without sacrificing on variety or taste!  The best part of Progresso are the calories and with 40 delicious soups with 100 calories or less per serving, Progresso Soup has a variety of offerings that help you beat diet boredom and satisfy your taste cravings. Progresso soups are packed with hearty ingredients like pasta, beans, rice, meat and vegetables that suit your taste buds and make you feel good about including them in your meal choices.  I love them and have them stocked in my pantry for a quick lunch, dinner or snack.

Hurry and vote now!  You might just win and if not, you know you possibly helped someone else win!

Disclaimer:  The information about the Progresso Souper You® Contest or finalists and soup in general were provided to me by Progresso through MyBlogSpark.  I received no compensation.



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