
Hello Kitty Party in the Works

I've been spending the last month or so planning the girls' Hello Kitty party.  I have three to plan for as each girl wants a Hello Kitty party even though one of those girls is a bit older than a kid.  I have the dresses compliments of Adorable Baby Clothing and they are just gorgeous.  They will also serve for Easter too because they are just too pretty to not see more often.

Some of you have seen my parties of the past and know that birthdays are very special to me.  The hard part about the first party is it's in the middle of a move.  The girls and I are going to be moving so I have to figure out how/where to have the party.  I decided to not let that stop me from at least preparing for it.  I have a variety of invitations that I have made so far but I am still playing and trying to figure out which I like best.

Once I finish deciding what the exact color themes will be, I'll move forward.  I will also make cake pops, cookies, Push-Up Pops and more.  I have activities ranging from making Hello Kitty sunglasses to Hello Kitty picture frames for the kids to make.

More to come!


  1. I just did Hello Kitty for my daughter's 5th birthday.

    I made a hello kitty cake that was super easy. I can't wait to see pictures :)

  2. Thank you for sharing! I almost bought that pan but wasn't sure I could get it to turn out like yours! I'm glad your daughter loved her birthday! :)


Thank you!