
Decisions ... Decisions

I've been contemplating for some time giving up my blog.  I lost the wind in my sails to speak and am not sure if I'm just going through a temporary burned out period or if I'm ready to move forward on other projects.  I haven't been devoting the time to it as I should and I definitely have not been active in seeking out new giveaways.  I can honestly say that the best part of having a review and giveaway blog is sending the e-mails alerting someone they won.  What is particularly moving is the every now and then, genuine appreciative e-mail of gratitude you get in return.

A year or so ago, one such reader thanked me for winning and explained how timely the win was given their personal situation.  Her story moved me so much that I sent her a gift card to Walmart just because.  This is the one thing that makes it so rewarding in having a blog coupled with the wonderful folks I have met through my blogging experiences.


  1. I understand that you aren't feeling it right now but i'm kinda new to your blog so i hope you pop up once in a while :)
    Bright Blessings on whatever you do hun!!

  2. I won the Renew Giveaway from you abou 6 months ago! The product has been a life saver for me !
    Please don't stop bloggin......slow down if you must but don't close down.
    I Love your blog & would be so sad.

  3. Thank you both! I needed that and greatly appreciate you taking the time to let me know! Hugs!

  4. I've been a subscriber for a little while now. Slow down, if you need to. Take a breather. I hope you will stay with it.

  5. Thank you, Beth! I appreciate your feedback and kindness! :)

  6. i agree with the commenters above, only you know what you must do to be happy, but know that you do bring happiness to each one of your readers!!! either way, we wish the best for you!

  7. I've followed you for some time too and honestly think you are a lovely gal. You strive to do good things for your family and those around you. I know blogging can be demanding and time consuming since I'm trying to set one up and have found that it's lots of work. Much more than I expected. I hope you take a break from all of this, but don't give up the blog completely. Your an excellent blogger and I bet there are may folks out there in the blogosphere that don't want to see you quit forever.

    arobimom at gmail dot com

  8. Thank you, Aileen! I appreciate your long time support and think the same of you! I've been wondering how your blog set up is going? Let me know if I can help in any way! Hugs!


Thank you!