
The Barefoot Executive by Carrie Wilkerson Review

If you have ever wanted to branch out and be your own boss or already are and want some good sound advice and tips, you want to read Carrie Wilkerson's The Barefoot Executive.  You might have tried to wrap your arms around other self guide books on how to start a business or come up with a creative idea to start one but it was just too business-like and hard to understand.  Not this book!  With Carrie's practical experience not only from her own successful experiences but coupled with many others, she drives you down a path of self-enlightenment, knowledge and how to get there with easy to follow advice, tips and suggestions.

One particular part that I enjoyed the most were the inclusion of case studies from other small business owners that included their own struggles and steps to achieve their goals.  Hearing from a collection of others helps to reinforce the message that you can do this if this is what you want.  The book is broken into logical sequential steps starting with Myth Breakers, Big Mistakes, Methods, Models and Marketplace.  The exercises provided also are key to getting started and moving forward and are easy to follow.  It's really a great practical book told by someone who has been there and continues to find her way in the world of owning a business.

I've contemplated many times starting a business and didn't feel I had it in me but after reading Carrie's book, I know it's up to me do to it.  There is no magic formula or anything like that, rather as Carrie promotes, it's in you and it's up to you to get it.  I definitely recommend The Barefoot Executive.

*Disclosure:  I received a copy of this book from Living Your Moment. All opinions are my own. 

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