
The Cutest Pre-School & Other Homeschool Lessons

Enchanted Homeschooling Mom

If you are a homeschooling mom, you should check out this great site called the Enchanted Homeschooling Mom.  Not only do you get to meet her family but you have a wealth of information ranging from printables, blog hops, link ups, storybook artists curriculum, Berenstain Curriculum and many other great resources.  If you want access to some of the amazing lessons, you just have to read here to find out and it's free.

Since discovering the Enchanted Homeschooling Mom, we have had tons of fun with different Lego based preschool lessons and today, we completed Tangled.  Tangled is one of my four year old's favorites and she just loved it!  Each lesson utilizes many skill sets children need for entering school.  From counting to measuring to cutting paper and more, it's an excellent and fun way to teach.  Each lesson is full of so much to do and the way in which they were put together is so inviting for your little one.  My eight year old even likes to partake in the fun and acts as a teacher to Danielle.  

Even if you aren't a homeschooling mom, you can take advantage of these fun lessons with your children outside of school.  There is so much great information from Jill that my post will never do it justice as you just need to go check it out!

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