
Purex Triple Action Liquid

Have you tried Purex yet?  They have a new detergent called Purex Triple Action Liquid.  I use Purex because it costs less and works just as I would want it to.  It leaves my clothes clean, bright and smelling good.  The new Triple Action liquid's formula contains what you expect of Purex but also has some new additions to help deliver great cleaning and a brightening power as who wants dingy looking clothes?

Purex Triple Action is good for all washers so no more needing to purchase that high priced detergent when you can buy Purex at a lesser cost while delivering the same great, if not better, results.  In February, Prove it to Yourself returns.  You will get to see first hand proof of how Purex works and a new sampling program will start at  


I prefer the Free & Clear formulas because I have a child with severe allergies and asthma but have tried all Purex products available due to the cost and effectiveness.  I love Purex products and am a customer.  I like how my clothes come out smelling fresh, looking bright and clean and soft.  It's my product of choice.

*Disclosure:  I received complimentary product as part of the Purex Insiders.  The opinions are of my own.

1 comment:

  1. I've never really used Purex before, but maybe I should give it a try. I'm always up for testing new products against what I already use. Great review!


Thank you!