
Mamavation Late!

MamavationI'm very very late in posting my Mamavation update but I've had a migraine that won't go away.  It's an excuse but it's worthy enough of using trust me!  I am a big Biggest Loser fan and this season's motto is "no excuses."  Sometimes one just has to have one and it's mine this wee.  I've done hardly nothing for two days and not being able to run is killing me!  

I know I finally hit that magic point because I feel immense guilt for not exercising and when I see a commercial like the new Jack in the Box Jumaco, it makes me almost physically ill over how much food they are offering in the meal not to mention the unhealthy aspect of it.

Needless to say, I'm striving to get back to my Hawaii days and I'm soooooo close that I could almost scream in excitement.  Although not a picture of my entire body, I can see my weight loss in my face and am happy with the progress of running and counting calories.

Special thanks to Scott for recommending the salmon oil for my knee pain as it's working like a charm!

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