
Trop50 True Resolutions: What Will You Do?

Trop50  - 50% Less Sugar and Calories
Every year, many of us decide we will make a change for the good at the start of the new year.  Sometimes they are easy and usually they are challenging but then it wouldn't be a resolution if it were easy and we all love a challenge, right?  Tropicana's Trop50 True Resolutions celebrates the real reasons behind New Year’s resolutions.  My motivation in getting healthier is for my children and now my grandchild.  If I am healthier, I have a better chance of living longer.  If you are a Tropicana fan, you will love this!

Share your secret motivation and you’ll earn a coupon for $1 off Trop50 for yourself and $.50¢ off coupons for up to 50 of your friends. You can even submit incognito with a fierce disguise if you don't want to reveal your resolution!  What is also nice, whether you submit a resolution or not, you can also enter a sweepstakes to win a $1,000 gift. 

To enter, click here and to learn more about Trop50 True Resolutions.

Link will go live on Dec. 26


  1. I need to get fit and healthy. I might check this out! Thanks:)

  2. Thanks for sharing - I need to work on eating and drinking things that are better for me!

  3. It's amazing just eating whole grains, fruits and vegetables will help you lose weight. I've been trying to be better at it too :)


Thank you!