
Loopeez Shoe Tying Aid Review

Teaching children to tie shoes can be so complicated especially when you have a headstrong child.  It took awhile for my now eight year old to learn and for those of us older parents, they no longer teach this in kindergarten as it's a skillset that is expected to have been mastered before school.  The Loopeez Shoe Tying way is made to easily teach kids how to tie without the frustrations typically involved.  Loopeez is a mom-made invention so that means she really understands the plight of us parents.  It's a hands on approach using the child's shoe, their two hands and it teaches both methods.

It's an easy five step system as shown below:

teach Show Tying 1 teach Kids Shoe Tying 2 
learn To Tie Shoes

how to tie a shoe for kidsshoe Tying Aids

My four year old still required assistance to get her set up and used to the process.  She's so headstrong and easily frustrated that we weren't able to master the lesson yet.  I hope in a couple of months with maturity as they do mature fast with emotions at times, she will be ready to try again.  Overall, I think it's a great way to teach as it takes the struggle out of trying to hold both laces with their little fingers and limited dexterity.  I think it's a must have for any parent who is ready to teach how to tie.

Skull & Crossbones Pink Butterfly Pink Heart

They have a variety which might entice the child more to learn. To purchase, Loopeez, check them out here.

Free shipping until December 24th!

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 I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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