If you are like most, you have a scar somewhere on your body. If you are like many of us, you don't like this scar and would like to get rid of it. Although removing or erasing a scar might be next to impossible if not impossible, there are products available that actually do lessen the appearance of an unsightly scar. Kelo-cote Spray and Kelo-cote Gel are two products that reduce scars and smooths skin with easy application. I tried both and can say they have their pros.
I received these products in mid October and tried them for a full four weeks and did see a noticeable different by the end of November. It was smoother, less rigid along the scar and was less visible. I'm still trying it on the acne scars and am hoping for a smoother appearance especially when my skin is tan. I should have tried it on my c-section which I just might do now!
About Kelo-cote:
Kelo-cote was created by Advanced Bio-Technologies, Inc. which is a privately held biopharmaceutical out of the great state of Georgia (where I just moved from). They specialize in creating patent protected formulas.
Overall, I can say it does work. It did lighten the appearance of my scar on my forehead. I had a before picture but cannot locate it. I'm still working on the acne scars and will update this post once I am able to get a tan to see how well it did as a tan always brought them out.
*Disclosure: I was provided complimentary products in exchange for this review. The opinions are of my own.
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