
Getting in Shape with HOTPANTS Review

The new year is approaching and are you ready?  I started out my pre-New Year's Resolution back in October and to date, lost 16 pounds!  I did most of it via counting calories and exercising.  When I did exercise, I tried out the new HOTPANTS.  Straight across the ocean from London, the latest exercise wear sensation are comfortable designed sports shorts that contain bio-ceramic technology.  What does that mean?  They emit far infrared rays and reflects back the heat naturally generated by the body to deliver warming up of tissue deep below the skin's surface.

These bio-ceramics emit far-infrared rays that promote deeper warming of tissue and a breakdown of fat cells.  This leads to higher levels of perspiration which promotes a "flushing out" of toxins and edemas that contribute to the appearance of cellulite.  They are not restrictive like many other types of exercise gear and are very comfortable.  They can be worn over clothing or under clothing so they are perfect to wear all day especially if you are SAHM.  I can definitely vouch that they work and that after wearing them, my skin was wet from perspiration.  It's not a great feeling but losing those pounds certainly is!  I can't say that they did work conclusively as I did incorporate a regiment of calorie counting and exercising but I can say that it didn't hurt!  I felt better wearing them knowing that there was an increase in heat being generated.

Perspiration is good as it does in fact release toxins in the body so that was a big draw for me.  I recommend HOTPANTS if you want to start getting healthier!  

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I was offered the chance to review Zaggora HotPants through Mom Bloggers Club and received the HotPants for my review. All thoughts and opinions are 100% mine and I do not guarantee the same results.

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