
The Steam Team: Carpet Cleaning

Carpet is a dreaded feature of the house we are in at the moment.  Mostly because it's not our house so I have to ensure it stays clean and stain free.  The house is carpeted in the main living area, the dining room and two bedrooms so that is a lot of area to cover.  I have tried the at home rug cleaners and they do a decent job in between but I truly cannot get a better overall result without having them professionally cleaned.  I've not heard of the Steam Team until now and checked them out  Unfortunately, they are not in my area but I was impressed to see the multiple areas behind their cleaning expertise from carpet to green services from leather cleaning to draperies from water extraction to air duct cleaning and more.  They really seem to be an all in one place to get your house in tip top shape.

With the holidays coming and family gatherings, it's probably a good idea to go ahead and hire the professionals to get that job done.  I know my Oriental rugs need a touch up after having them for over five years.  With all the baking and preparation needed for the holidays, the last thing I want to do is worry about the cleaning let alone the air ducts since winter is upon us, it's good to get those checked out.  My youngest has severe allergies and asthma.  This is one area I don't compromise on since her health depends on it.  If you are in the Dallas or Austin area and need the Steam Team, check them out.   Carpet cleaning in Jollyville is just a phone call away.

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