Embracing a Healthy Family: Slim-Fast 1-2-3 Plan New Shakes & Sephora $25 GC Giveaway - 5 Winners 11/24 - Winners Announced

Slim-Fast 1-2-3 Plan New Shakes & Sephora $25 GC Giveaway - 5 Winners 11/24 - Winners Announced

Congratulations to: Chris Stevens, Susan Clooney, Marilyn Houser, Cassie Brawdy & Amanda Wright
The winners were selected after inputting the extra comments from the post into the Excel Rafflecopter form post exporting and matching the comments with the dates within the form to ensure accuracy.  I then used random.org to select the five random winners.  Thanks to all those who entered!

I've been on the Slim-Fast 1-2-3 Plan consuming their new shakes that allow you to take them with you along with the meal bars and snacks going on my third week.  To date, I've lost six pounds on a very easy diet plan that still provides food that is not only Slim-Fast based and I get a sensible meal that focuses on vegetables, lean protein and a whole wheat starch.  Sounds smart doesn't it?  It's a very easy and an extremely tasty way to lose weight.  I'm a huge chocolate fan and the chocolate shakes are my crutch to get over the calorie counting since they replace meals but are very satisfying.  They report that they curtail hunger for up to four hours.  I think the average is three but by the time I'm feeling hungry again, it's time for a snack.
Snack BarsMeal Bars
It's a great plan of breakfast and lunch with a shake or meal bar, a sensible dinner and three snacks in between.  I've read many times how this is a great approach to keeping your body going with smaller snacks through the day.  Your snacks can be their snacks or you can pop in some almonds, an apple or something from the big list of recommendations.  The online support is just as good.  You can track your progress, the calorie intake, exercise, water and find great recipes and tips.  It's an all in one great way to lose weight and get healthier.  The food choices are healthy ways to change behaviors and changing the behavior is the long term key in keeping the weight off.

I tend to run my errands during the morning and when I want to get moving, I just grab a shake and go.  It's so easy and again, so tasty.  They even have a low carb alternative for those watching carbs too.  My store didn't sell them so I wasn't able to try those.  I know the Milk Chocolate and Rich Chocolate Royale are amazing.  They are rich, chocolaty and taste like chocolate with no bad after taste. They are filling and take the cravings away for chocolate.  I also tried the Chocolate Cookie Dough, Chocolate Fudge Brownie and the Chewy Chocolate Crisp meal bars and they are like eating a candy bar.  For those of us that are chocolate addicts, it's really the diet for them.  My goal is to lose the weight I want and to continue learning to choose healthy snacks and sensible meals.

You can read my other two posts: starting out losing weight and lost weight.

Sephora Gift Card - $50
The Giveaway:

Five readers will win a $25 Sephora Gift Card!  Since Christmas is coming, a great gift idea or a way to pamper yourself after you shed some unwanted pounds on the new Slim-Fast Shakes as I am doing!

To Enter:

Follow the details in the Rafflecopter entry form and that's it!
*Disclaimer:  I received complimentary product, Sephora Gift Cards and the opportunity to provide this giveaway from Slim-Fast.  The opinions are of my own.

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Tiffany Drew said...

I haven't tried the new shakes, but want to!

Tamara B. said...

I haven't tried their new shakes but have drank their other products and loved them.

Mimi Hayden said...

I haven't tried the new shakes yet, but I've tried Slim Fast in the past. Thanks for the giveaway!

sarah shult said...

I have not tried but after baby #4 comes I can't wait to try. sheshult@hotmail.com

Patricia Sanchez said...

I have tried Slim-Fast shakes in the past, my favorites are vanilla & chocolate. Their filling, & taste good.

Elena said...

I've never tried Slim Fast shakes before


Unknown said...

I have never tried slim fast yet, but I would love to.

ashleigh walls

Rebel Chick said...

I've tried all of the Slim Fast shake flavors! I especially love the low carb creamy chocolate!

Stephanie said...

I have not tried the new slim fast shakes.

JC said...

I haven;t tried Slim-Fast's new shakes yet.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

Wild N Mild $$$ said...

I haven't tried them yet, but would like to soon.

Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u (at) yahoo (dot) com

Lauren said...

I haven't tried the new shakes yet but I will keep my eyes out for them! I love their original chocolate shake though!!

Mami2jcn said...

I haven't tried Slimfast's new shakes yet. French vanilla sounds good.

Maryann D. said...

I have not tried the new Shakes but I have had Slim Fast Shakes previously.

Maryann D.
twinkle at optonline dot net

mary fallon said...

I have tried the new ones, i think they are much improved, the chalky taste from many years ago when they first came out is gone.

and my fav is the strawberry still!


Kim said...

I have not tried the new shakes.

Cinderella10383 said...

I have not tried Slim Fast but I am really interested in the chocolate flavored one
Jamie Brigham
cinderella10383 @ aol dot com

Wes said...

I haven't tried the new shakes, but you make them sound more appealing than what I remember of the old shakes. Thanks for the opportunity!

sunburnfreezerburn AT hotmail DOT com

Unknown said...

I entered the Perricone giveaway

jakiesmom said...

have not tried their new shakes

JC said...

I haven't tried it yet. Rich Chocolate Royale Shake sounds great to try.

Amber said...

I have not yet tried the new shakes but I plan to soon!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

bored2quickly said...

I have not tried their new shakes yet. Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
Renee Walters

smilekisses said...

I have not tried the shakes but the Strawberries n' Cream sound good.
dolniaks at consolidated dot net

Ash said...

I have not tried their new shakes, but I haev tried their old ones


crystletellerday said...

no i have not tried the new shakes crystletellerday@yahoo.com

The Real Mom said...

I've tried the Lower Carb Vanilla Shake, but I'd like to try the Lower Carb Chocolate Shake.
jeanlynd at att dot net

Aileen said...

I've never tried the new shakes, but the older ones tasted pretty good. arobimom at gmail dot com

CindyWindy2003 said...

i haven't tried any of the flavors yet but french vanilla sounds good, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

CindyWindy2003 said...

i also entered your perricone giveaway, thanks!


Ashley H said...

no, I have not tried them yet but they sound great!!

Janice Cooper said...

Unfortunately I haven't tried the shakes yet, but would love to try the Strawberries n Cream shake.
p.s. I follow your blog as disneyfan40. Forgot to enter my username on rafflecopter.

Denise S. said...

I haven't tried the new shakes yet, but I want to.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com

clynsg said...

I have never tried any Slim-Fast.

cgclynsg0 at gmail dot com

Helen said...

I have never tried these

Fabi Yidi Chairwoman said...

I have tried those new shakes, they taste good.

Ellie Wright said...

I have not tried the new Slim Fast shakes. yet.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Kimberley Meier said...

I haven't tried their new shakes.

Kimberley Meier
momof3chaos at yahoo dot com

Rachel R. said...

I haven't tried these yet.
rachelsgiveaways @ gmail.com

Aisling said...

I have not yet tried Slim-Fast's new shakes. mcgillrmcgill(at)charter(dot)net

cowboyswife said...


sonyamorris (Sonya Morris) said...

I have not tried the new Slim Fast shake yet!!

Amanda D said...

I tried their chocolate shakes few years ago when i was on diet! great stuff..

Angie B said...

I've never tried slimfasts new shakes but I'd like to

angiewith3 at live dot com

Caryn said...

I haven't tried the new ones yet

caryn9802 at yahoo dot com

terri142 said...

I have not tried the new shakes but they delicious. Maybe I will have to try them after the holidays to lose those extra pounds.

tderosa142 at gmail dot com

Claire said...

I haven't tried them yet!

kaleidoscopequeen at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I have not tried Slim-Fast's new shakes but some of the flavors sound great.


Operation Sweet Dreams said...

I tried them about 4 years ago. I think I'd have to give them another try.

redfuzzycow said...

i haven't tried the new slimfast shakes but i would like to

CherylS22 said...

I haven't had a chance to try the SlimFast shakes, although I intend to!

Pj DeMario said...

I haven't tried Slim Fast's new shakes...yet!

Pj DeMario said...

I am entering the Sephora giveaway :)

Julieh said...

I haven't tried the new shakes but they look good.
honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

beckytag said...

I haven't tried their new shakes, but I'd love to. The old ones used to upset my stomach terribly.

beckytag618 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said...

I haven't tried Slimfasts new shakes but the Strawberries N' Cream sounds great.

Lisa Garner

barb hunt said...

Thanks for the great contest!

daveshir2005 said...

I have not tried slim fasts new shakes yet.


tiffany.hoyt said...

I haven't tried them yet but I would like to.


Patricia Wojnar Crowley said...

I haven't tried the new shakes yet!

Brenda Gaines said...

gotta love french vanilla!!


Candie L said...

I have not tried any of their new shakes yet. Thank you


susan1215 said...

I haven't tried the new shakes yet

s2s2 at comcast dot net

Dee said...

I haven't tried these yet but I love the flavors! :)

deeg131 at gmail dot com

Dee said...

I haven't yet but the flavors sound amazing! :)

deeg131 at gmail dot com

Mary Gardner said...

no, i have not tried them yet

marygardner49 at aol dot com

jules mcnubbin (buttmuffin) said...

yes i have, i love strawberry the best.

Breanne said...

I haven't tried the new shakes

tlcfromtn said...

I haven't tried the new shakes

Unknown said...

never tried the shakes but i am into fitness so this would be great to incorporate.

Susan O'Bryant said...

I haven't tried them yet, but plan to after the new year begins to help with my diet!

Deanna said...

I have not tried them.

Deanna said...

Entered this one:


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