
Shutterfly and My Best Tips for a Great Family Photo

Christmas will be here before we know it and if you are like me, that's when you gather the family for the big family picture.  It's a time that some just get dressed, pose and smile while others spend a lot of time trying to figure out what everyone will wear, where they will get the photo taken and then fretting if everyone will smile or someone will inevitably have their eyes shut.  It seems that the older my girls get, I have to take a series of photos to just get them all with their eyes open.  Four girls is a lot to coordinate ranging in ages from 1 to 23.  I usually steer clear of the photos but perhaps I'll be a part of it this year.  I love the family pictures because I love preparing my Christmas Cards every year.  The card to the left is one I chose from Shutterfly last year and is available this year too.

There is just something magical about picking the perfect Holiday Cards that I look forward to.  From deciding their dresses to the location to picking the perfect card that will give my girls justice in their cuteness and beauty, it's an event that I am eager to plan for.  When I do plan for that one great family photo, I start with the attire.  Since they are young, except my 23 year old as she would never go for it, I buy the same dresses for my girls.  It's hard trying to find the same dress in the same size but luckily my friend who has Adorable Baby Clothing, an online clothing store, provides the most beautiful dresses in a variety of sizes.  So my first step, is finding the dress that will fit my grandbaby at size 24 months to my middle one at size 10.  I think finding that ideal outfit or outfits sets the stage for ensuring the picture will look amazing.

Go to the Shutterfly home page.

My second step is to pick the date as I want it to be close enough to Christmas yet not too soon because I'm impatient and will show off my pictures ahead of time.  I usually pick late November so I can get the best choice from Shutterfly, pay normal shipping or take advantage of one of their great offers and still get it in time for mailing in December.  You pay a lot more when you wait too long due to the shipping costs.

My third tip is to pick the right location.  I take my own photos so I think about the area I'm in and will choose a natural setting such as a park or the mountains.  If I decide I have to take them inside, I'll use my photo stands to offer a simple white or black background.  If I had to go to a studio, I would try to find one based on others feedback.  I have had bad experiences with studios which is why I started taking my own.

The actual photo day.  Aside from ensuring everyone's hair is fixed, the best family photos are the one's where everyone is not so rigid.  Having props to let them loosen up and play is fun to do as you never know what you might capture.  A simple flower to a Christmas ornament or more can break the seriousness of the photo to allow your children's innate charm to shine through.  It's also good to layer the children and that I mean to place them at various heights such as having one sitting, one standing and so forth.  When taking the photos, make sure the sun is not shining in anyone's eyes.  The shade is truly best to avoid squinting or complaining that it's too bright.

The best tip is to keep it as stress free as possible for the children. If you make your kids grumpy, you will have a hard time getting a good family picture!

The final step in completing your family picture is choosing the right card.  Here are some of my favorites:


How about you?  Any tips on how you make sure you have the perfect family picture?  Need some more great tips or ideas?  Check out the Shutterfly Family Photo Days.  This is a great resource for planning your next family photo and more!

*Disclosure:  I'm writing this post to receive 50 free cards from Shutterfly.  I am a customer of Shutterfly and the opinions expressed are of my own.

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Thank you!