
Perfume is the Best Accessory

Guest post written by Tanya Bowing

When it comes to putting together an outfit, I may not put as much effort into it as other people do, but I do care a lot about putting on makeup and fixing my hair. I'm a big believer in that if you spend a lot of time doing that, you'll look and feel so much better that your clothing is just like scenery. Well, another part that I like to also make sure that I do each and every day while I get ready is put on perfume. I just think that it's so important for feeling put together.

Perfume is actually one of my favorite splurges and I'm always looking online with my Salt Lake City wireless internet to figure out what kind of perfume I want to buy next.

I've had my eye on a few different perfumes for a while now. I think that I might just have to settle on the Ralph Lauren Romance perfume. It smells so fresh and is very similar to what I would go for in a perfume, just with a surprising little twist. I'm basically banking on buying that pretty soon.

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