
How Was Your Thanksgiving?

We had a nice Thanksgiving this year as we seem to do almost every year.  The girls had fun helping to make all of our desert table with my oldest heading up the baking crew.  We had a four layer tiered chocolate pie, mini apple pies, cookies and turkey cake pops.  I again used the recipe from Alton Brown for brine and my turkey turned out fantastic.  It was moist and tender.  The girls are crafty so we made our turkey apple menu cards.  That was a lot of fun for them as they took foam feathers that I glued to toothpicks and stuck them into the apple along with the head and making the face was also fun for them.

The highlight was listening to the girls tell me why they are thankful.  Growing up, we typically had at least one fight a holiday so now that I'm grown up, it's nice to see we can get through holidays without those ceremonious fights.  It was a great Thanksgiving in spite of the biggest part missing was my family.


  1. I actually ended up doing nothing. My family is going through a particularly difficult financial period, so we decided not to have a get-together. Hopefully, next year will be better. I had parades and Charlie Brown to keep me company though.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  2. I'm sorry to hear that finances was the culprit. We couldn't travel either due to money. I hope next year will be better for you. There is always Charlie isn't there? Love the kitty picture!

  3. We didn't do anything. . .it was kind of nice.

  4. Sometimes doing nothing is much better than traveling and visiting!


Thank you!