

MamavationI'm late posting but better late than never, right?  I finally did well when I took the time to dedicate myself and I lost four pounds this past week.  I just heard the crowds cheering to keep me motivated!  Maybe if I trick myself that if I get to my goal, Johnny Depp will whisk me away for a fabulous weekend getaway.  It could happen ... or not.  Nonetheless, desperate times calls for desperate actions and if I can trick my mind, that is the key.  Telling myself that I don't need that candy bar from Halloween or I don't need that extra helping of potatoes will eventually sink in.  I even tried the approach that to be healthier means I might live longer but there is something about the here and now that didn't allow that to work.

Next came the 'I should be a better example to my children' which did work.  After taking baby steps over the past year or more, I can see how my behavior has affected my eight year old so that is a huge success.  I take that as a layer in meeting my goals.  I also remember Pete telling us to reward ourselves properly.  How many times have you lost a few pounds and wanted to celebrate with some calorie laden desert?  Too many right?  I know that is how I am.  So my layers are coming together and that is where I will achieve my success.  My layers are:

  • Children - leading by example
  • Healthier - for myself and my children
  • Rewards - rewarding properly
  • Mamavation - tapping into this powerhouse of wonderful, supporting moms

My layers have been there and I need to keep using them or start using them.  I am using Slim-Fast's 1-2-3 plan at the moment and that is how I achieved my loss.  Counting calories and being able to have some rich, creamy chocolate shakes satisfies that chocolate need I have.  Knowing that I can still have my veggies, also helps along with lean protein and whole wheat.  It's a win-win to get me to the point of behavior modification.

So this week, with my four pound loss, I'm happy and renewed.  I've also incorporated other family members to help lose weight and get healthier.  Between the six of us, with two not reporting, we lost  14 pounds last week.  Not only are we encouraging one another but we're getting caught up with each other since the group includes cousins who went their separate ways but Facebook brought us all back together.

1 comment:

  1. Mamavation is really a great place to go for support! I like your layers. I wish I could get the reward layer down.


Thank you!