My oldest is returning from Georgia for a month or so and we plan to kick this into gear together. I need her motivation although most of the time, she isn't very motivating as she caves in too easily to my weaknesses so my mission is to be the stronger one and keep us both on the path of getting healthier. I am proud to say that my habits are rubbing off on my eight year old who refuses soda, chooses apple slices the very few times we go to McDonalds as we don't go very often, now picks salads frequently and picks water over everything else. I have even caught her on the bike for a few minutes a day. Her focus is not about her body size rather being healthy and for that, I'm very proud. I'd be very sad if she was concerned over her weight.
Did you take the Mamavation Mom and Brita challenge? I did and have been very committed to getting in my daily water intake and then some. You can join too to take the Brita challenge and once you sign up, you can get money saving rebates along with great tips and inspiration.
This post is sponsored by Brita and I took the Brita Challenge to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation – a community dedicated to obesity prevention & weight loss for women .
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Everything in moderation. If you want a burger eat one, I do. This makes me chuckle because I received a phone call from my 7yr old begging me to let her have McDonalds. "Mom we haven't had it in forever!" She was right. April 18th, lol while we moved. So we had it with apples :)
You can be a rock! Reach out if you feel that cave in feeling and we will push you. @mnmspecial if you want me to help you through. So excited for you to spend some quality time.
Keep up the great water intake. So proud of your example to your family!
Moderation is the key for me to learn as I've not done very well lately. When my energy level is low, I eat. When I get a little down, I eat. I had it under control but lost it again so hoping to find it! My four year LOVES McDonalds but then my eight year old did too when she was four so hopefully I can influence her a bit more. Thank you so much!!!! :)
I agree with the moderation comment. You can eat long as you don't go overboard. From another emotional eater, you can do this!! Ultimately, the motivation has to come from inside you. But we are all here for support. :)
I have learned that if your body is craving a certain food then have it in the appropriate portion then in the long run you won't eat 9 other things to satisfy the taste. The boys are learning that the fast food places really suck taste wise and they request home cooked meals now. You will be the rock that motivates both you and your daughter... Reach out to us.. I'll give you a push anytime you need it
Your daughter is so far out from the norm these days. When I was working as a teacher, I was blown away by the unhealthy relationships many young kids have with food. You should be proud! How awesome that you have this opportunity to guide her with your own healthy lifestyle.
Have a burger when you want every now and then. After all, it never is that ONE burger that gets us in trouble, it is an accumulation of our choices thereafter! :)
Small steps - I got to tell you. I am sure you can figure out how to make it work. Have an awesome week and making healthy decision
Small steps, but don't deny yourself too much... it can really backfire. Don't worry about the "hit and miss" so much. Just keep working towards those hits. Best of luck this week!! Keep up the hard work.
AndreaEmilien, thank you! The moderation sounds good in my head but at times, it leaves me quicker than a piece of chocolate! I know I can do it and I just have to quit making excuses. Just had two people pass away in my family this weekend and it should be a wake up call to get it in gear!
Carter Family, I will remember that in that the craving should be met otherwise the effects can be worse if I don't! It's logical and never really thought about it that way! Great job on getting your boys to understand home cooking tastes better! I'm thankful that the fast food places are tasting worse to me too as I think the quality is going down ..good news for us!
Laura, I'm lucky she's turned around at age 8! Now to work on the four year old but baby steps, right? Thank you! I enjoyed my hamburger!
Lena, you are right, it took me awhile to figure out baby steps. I read that if you do an all or nothing health change around, it most likely will fail. That's why over the past year or so, I started switching to whole grains, eliminating soda in our house, increasing and encouraging water intake, purchasing more organic foods and trying to go meatless once a week while bringing out the salads. Thank you!
Owen's Mom, thank you and you are so right! I need to focus on the small steps and move forward! I'm trying!!! Thank you!
Have a great week, everyone! The Mamavation Moms are AMAZING!
Moderation is huge! If I'm craving something, I'll eat a small portion of it. Otherwise I'll binge on a whole bunch of other crap to avoid eating what I'm craving. You did good! :)
That's so awesome you and your oldest daughter are working together and pushing each other. What an awesome bond to have!
ALl things in moderation, indeed! A burger every once in a while is fine! And that's AWESOME about your daughters healthy food choices! We really DO influence our children by our actions! We haven't had McD's in FOREVER, either! :)
Sounds like you are being a great role model so you must be doing stuff right!!!
Don't beat yourself up for the burger!
Good luck with the rest of the week!!!
The positive changes are already affecting your daughter and that's an amazing thing. Don't stress over an off day, or even over choosing something less healthy - like the other girls say, it's about moderation. Good luck this week!
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