
Devo Olive Oil Company: A Delicious Review

Devo Olive Oil StoreI like to cook and I watch all those fun cooking shows which inspire me to want to cook and learn more.  I watch some chefs using regular vegetable type oils and others using olive oil.  I am partial to the recipes using olive oil as I made the switch some time ago.  I feel vegetable oil has it's place but not for all cooking.  When I was able to review many variations of olive oil from the Devo Olive Oil Company, I could not resist.  Olive oil not only tastes great but it's also healthier.  Many studies have shown the benefits of eating olive oil over other types of oils which is why I made the initial switch.  I had no idea how much better it tasted.  

16 Pack SamplerDevo Olive Oil can be purchased in one of their two locations or online.  They have an amazing number of different variations for all your cooking needs and the bonus I liked is there are a number of recipes on their site and their blog.  You can sign up for their newsletter to stay up to date too.

For one of the flavors, I made French Beignets with Aged Blackberry-Ginger Balsamic and loved them!  One of my daughters didn't but my younger one did and asked me this morning to make more of the Princess and the Frog Beignets.  If you saw the show, that is what Tiana was famous for was her beignets (see the Devo recipe below but here is my picture):

I've also used the Balsamic Olive Oil just for dipping bread which is one of my vices and I'm using the Basil Olive Oil tonight in a pork dish I'm making.

I cannot say enough about these oils.  The flavors I have tried are delicious.  I love the versatility in how I can use them and the Devo site and blog's abundance of recipes tops it off.  Devo Olive Oil is my favorite oil of choice.

Beignet Ingredients:
  •  1/2 cup boiling water
  •  2 tbsp. unsalted butter
  •  1/4 cup sugar
  •  1/2 tsp. salt
  •  1/3 whole milk
  •  1/2 pkg. yeast
  •  1/4 cup warm water
  •  2 eggs, beaten
  •  3 3/4 cups sifted flour
  •  Powdered sugar, for dusting
  1. Pour boiling water over butter, sugar and salt. Add milk. Let stand until warm.
  2. Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add to milk mixture with the beaten egg. Stir in 2 cups flour. Beat. Add enough flour to make a soft dough.
  3. Cover with waxed paper and a cloth; chill until ready to use.
  4. Roll dough to 1/4 inch thickness. Do not let dough rise before frying.
  5. Cut into squares and fry a few at a time in deep hot fat at 360 degrees. Brown; turn and brown on other side.
  6. Drain; sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Makes around two dozen.
For The Aged Blackberry-Ginger Balsamic Reduction:
  1. In a medium saucepan over low heat, slowly reduce the balsamic vinegar by 50%.  You should have 1/2 cup.  Allow to cool to room temperature which will thicken it further.
  2. Serve with warm beignets.

*Disclosure:  I received product sample but the opinions are of my own.

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Thank you!