
Delicious Santé Nuts: Celebrating Life Every Day & 25% Discount Code

I'm a person who loves nuts: peanuts, almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts and so on.  Many nuts are not only tasty but they are good for you.  I have been learning more and more about what is good and what is not and have definitely found that certain nuts like almonds are good for you.  I try to consume 10 a day as that is what I've read from many sources stating they are good for you.  I had never heard of Santé Nuts until recently when I was able to sample the different varieties they have.  I was not required to write this post but opted to because I really like some of them.  You are probably wondering 'so what makes the Santé Nuts different?  I was too and here is the difference from regular nuts:

  • Nuts with a spice recipe consists of all natural ingredients.
  • The nuts are roasted by hand in small batches.
  • A secret technique that minimizes the amount of oil the nuts absorb during the roasting process.
The oil aspect is important if you are wanting to eat healthier as less oil means less fat, more crunch and more nuts.  Who wants a soggy nut other than those southern boiled peanut fans?  Nothing against those that do but I prefer mine crunchy.  The other thing that I like about Santé Nuts are the variations available that creator, Sara Tidar, started in the kitchen.  Her secret roasting technique passed on by her grandmother started it all.  When Sara became a single mom six year's ago, she started on her journey in being an entrepreneur which I love being a former single mother too.

The Review
Candied Pecans
Candied Pecans Santé Nuts:  I love pecans .. I mean, I really love pecans.  Almost as much as I love Johnny Depp but not quite.  Pecans are delicious and wonderful alone or in recipes.  Pecans can be jazzed up or ate plain.  These candied pecans were slightly sweet but just enough to keep you eating like there was no tomorrow.  They were crispy yet lightly touched with pure cane sugar which means natural sugar and I'm all for that.  They are gluten free and carry the kosher seal.  I really liked them and would have liked to have tried one of the recipes but I ate them all (smile).  Not only does Santé Nuts provide recipe suggestions but they also give a beer and wine pairing suggestion.  1/4 of a cup is only 190 calories and only 10 grams of carbs.  This is perfect for me since I'm always watching my food intake.  They are also reasonably priced and in comparison to other brands at $5.29 a package.

Candied WalnutsCandied Walnuts also have the light jazzing up of pure cane sugar.  I really enjoy walnuts and try to eat them daily too.  Having a light sugar taste is always good for me!  Out of the four nuts I tried, this was my least favorite.  The walnuts left an after taste that I didn't care for.  It wasn't so bad that I didn't eat them because I did eat every last one of the walnuts but I can state that I wasn't a big fan of this variety.  

They are also gluten free and have the kosher seal.  I still like the fact they are all natural  and that is a huge pro for me.  
Garlic Almonds
Garlic Almonds had me a bit worried as I opened the bag.  I didn't think garlic and almonds would go together but I was wrong.  What I love about these are, garlic and almonds are so good for you!  If you are not a garlic fan, stay away from these.  The garlic is pretty strong but I found them addicting.  I love them and I think they became my favorite out of all of them.  They were crunchy yet light and I just loved the garlic flavor.  They are described as "peppy as a sportscar" and that is a perfect analogy!  

They, just like the others, are all natural, gluten free and have the kosher seal.  

Roasted Salted PecansThe Roasted Salted Pecans were my second favorite.  They were light, crunchy and had a slight salt taste. It was not overpowering but just the right amount.  They are perfect out of the bag or in a recipe but I ate all mine before I could check out the recipes.  Each variety has recipes and pairings on their respective web location.  These were perfect for a quick snack and again, were my second favorite.

Overall, I really like Santé Nuts and although I didn't care as much for the Candied Walnuts, I love the concept of all natural ingredients and less oil.  I would recommend Santé Nuts for all those who enjoy nuts and want to enjoy them straight out of the bag or in a recipe.  

If you want to try Santé Nuts, you can save 25% off with code 2011-Blog-187 on any order at until December 16, 2011.  <-- Would make a great Christmas present in the bag or in a delicious box of Chocolate Chip Pecan Cookies!

Check out Santé Nuts on Facebook.

Santé provided free samples of their nuts so I could review them. However, all of the opinions expressed here are my own.

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