
Chuck: The Complete Fourth Season on DVD/Blu-Ray

Oh the romantic and sweet proposals that you see some men able to fulfill to start a new life full of magical memories.  I love to see them and think what a lucky woman that is!  Not everyone gets the bells and whistles of an elaborately planned proposal and some are just romantic in themselves due to the unexpected nature or the intense love already there.  In episode 13, Chuck finally proposes to Sarah in the hospital hallway.  She accepts, kneeling with him and kisses him as the scene fades.  Wasn't that sweet?  You felt the love between the two and even though it was in a hospital, it was still romantic.

I was surprised that he finally asked Sarah and loved the way he did it.   Having Sarah respond the way she did completed the moment in Chuck.  What do you think?  Are you a Chuck fan and did you like it?  Was it too sappy, not sappy enough or just right?

In season four, the geek gone spy is putting everything on the line, available for pre-order here:

*Disclosure:  I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for Chuck: The Complete Fourth Season on DVD/Blu-Ray.

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