
Carpet Headaches? Try the BISSELL Stomp 'N Go Pads

Stomp 'n Go®What better way to demonstrate a product than at a party, right?  I thought it made perfect sense along with an inclusion of bring all your kiddies too!  As part of my participation with Mom Central, I received the BISSELL Stomp 'N Go kit chalk full of BISSELL Stomp 'N Go packages and carpet pre-treated with grape juice stains to test.  I was happy to see that as I really didn't want to stain and play with my own carpets unless I had to.  

These truly are magical and easy to use.  Just open the package, place on the stain, stomp on the stain and you are ready to go.  After a 30 minute wait, or 24 hours for tough stains, you come back the stain has diminished.  I suspect that I needed to go the extra time on a couple of the stains but they work.  I'm amazed at how easy they were too use and how effective they are.  They are inexpensive too considering you are getting five stain lifting pads for each box.  I was skeptical when I saw the stains on the carpet remnants but as you can see below, even after a quick demonstration, they work!



One thing I did notice is you have to be careful if you pick up the pad and try to move it around to get a non-touched part of on the stain as the stain did bleed a bit on the part of the carpet it was touching.  This is a must have to hand on hand and with the convenience, it's ideal for any family whether you have children or not.  They are perfect for quick clean ups, handy as you stomp and throw away.  There were no odors or fumes and it left no sticky residue.

I definitely think they are worth the money and would recommend them to anyone with carpeting.

*Disclosure:  I wrote this review while participating in a campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of BISSELL and received a party kit and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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