
CampusBookRentals - Save an Easier Way This Year

Campus Book Rentals - your textbook alternative

My oldest is getting set to start college so we already know how expensive it can be.  The books are sometimes as much as the course if not more. I cringed when I started back a couple of months ago at how expensive they are.  I remember many, many years ago when my then husband and I were going to college and the loans we had to take out to pay for the books.  We didn't have places like to turn to.

When you go to their site, you enter the book title, author, ISBN or a keyword to find the book you are looking for.  I tried it out with a book I had to recently purchase titled Legal Research Writing, Analysis and Writing and it was there to purchase or rent which was a better option than the school I signed up for offered.  They even buy back books.

There are many benefits to trying them out such as:

To learn more, just go to for more information.

Operation Smile

As a bonus for those of us that love when a business is partnering with someone else for a good social cause, has partnered with Operation Smile who have pledged to donate a minimum of 1,000 life saving cleft lip surgery to children in need.

*Disclosure:  I did not utilize their service as I have no reason at the moment to do so.  I was not financially compensated to write this post.

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