
Bob Evans Farm Festival

Bob Evans October 14, 15 & 16 - Farm Festival Bob Evans Farm - Rio Grande, OH - 41st Annual

The 41st Annual Bob Evans Farm Festival took place October 14th through October 16th. The Farm Festival offered a glimpse in to living in the past on a farm as well as some good old fashion family fun.  With the various activities ranging from actual live demonstrations to entertainment and not to mention some great tasting food, it was great fun.  Unfortunately, I was only able to spend a day there due to a family emergency.  It was a long, long drive just to have to turn around and go back but the girls did have a good time and since I'm homeschooling, it was a road trip adventure for them.  We had crossed many states so they had a geography lesson along the way.

The Bob Evans Homestead Museum offered visitors a glimpse of the reconstructed counter of the original steak house owned by Bob Evans.  Life size models of Bob Evans and Jewell Evans along with commercials and the history behind the 53 years of history behind Bob Evans' legacy.

This sign was a favorite for my family: A Cattle Tunnel!  Yes, you read it!  A cattle tunnel and isn't that something you rarely see?  

There were many vendors and booths for various things such as pumpkin painting, singing and much more.

Overall, it was a great experience and I wished I had been able to spend the weekend as originally planned.  By the time we arrived, we were tired but made the most of our wonderful hospitality we received.  It's something to try again next year to see how the entire weekend event it.  If you attended the Bob Evans Farm Festival, share your opinion on how you liked it!

*Disclosure:  I did receive tickets/gift basket to attend the Festival but I did not receive financial compensation.

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