
WhitePages Neighbors & National Good Neighbor Day $25 Amazon GC 9/29

I bet you didn't know that September 28th is National Good Neighbor Day?  I personally think it's a great way to forge new friendships and increase neighborhood cohesion.  In the "old" days, people were much attuned and involved with each other, helped one another and looked out for one another.  It seems people are just too busy to have those relationships as much anymore.  When we moved, I inquired with the owners of the property on how the neighbors were and she confided in me that she never met them and they were all quiet.  I thought that it was good they were quiet but sad that there is no community involvement.  The second day we were here, a neighbor from across the street introduced himself to us so that was promising.

When the idea came across to Becky Mattson of Montana in the early 70's, she moved forward with getting official proclamations from three presidents and numerous governors.  There are many ways to celebrate National Good Neighbor Day and some are easier than you would think:

  • A simple wave or smile is one very easy way.
  • Invite your neighbor over for dinner.
  • Help one of your neighbors with something they might be doing like carrying in groceries, lawn work, etc.
  • Hold a block party to get all your neighbors involved.
The goal is to get to know your neighbors and this is an easy and great way to do so as you never know when you might meet your future best friend or your life saver.  WhitePages Neighbors can help you set up a party and get to know who your neighbors are with a few clicks of the mouse.  Just click on WhitePages Neighbors to find your neighbors and you can see how easy it is on YouTube:

I actually used this feature as my daughter ran for a grant last month and I wanted to personally request items from my neighbors so I printed out their names so I could sent them requests.  It's a great feature especially if you are needing your neighbor's help or want to plan a community function like a block party, yard sale or any event.  As part of the National Good Neighbor Day, you can enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card by just telling me what you might do or did to celebrate the your neighbors!  Please complete the form below.

*Disclosure: I will receive an Amazon gift card in exchange for this post and giveaway.


  1. I will clean up the mess that my neighbors leave on the sidewalk when they put their trash out too early and the animals get into it :)

  2. I always wave to my neighbors, so I'll continue to do that and just be pleasant and offer to help them as much as I can!

    crazylicious85 at suddenlink dot net

  3. I smoke outside, so when I smoke I'll stand at the end of the driveway and wave and talk to people as they go by...lots of dog walkers.

    (Ericka Todd)

    humanecats at gmail dot com

  4. I am going to take my neighbor who does not drive to the grocery store.

  5. Well that would be today! So tonight we I go for my evening walk I will say hi to everyone outside.

  6. I will invite my neighbors over for a cocktail
    teressaoliver at gmail dot com

  7. We will be having a neighborhood BBQ to celebrate

  8. I’d help keeping the neighborhood clean by picking up trash.
    tcarolinep at gmail dot com

  9. Mail/packages that is misdelivered, I walk to their correct owner's address.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    email in blogger profile.

  10. I will drink wine with my neighbor :-)

    Email address is in blogger profile


Thank you!