
Star Wars on Blu-Ray! #imabzzagen

Star Wars is a big thing for us in our house.  We've even been to the last Star Wars Days at Disney two years in a row.  We love Star Wars and the kids watch all six episodes and even love The Clone Wars.  Now Star Wars is available on Blu-Ray with all six episodes, enhancements and bonus material!  Most Halloweens are even spent being at least one character from the beloved six episodes. 

The latest BzzAgent Daily Bzz is all about Star Wars on Blu-Ray so how could I resist but to show my love for Star Wars and be one of the participants?  I have been a member of Bzz Agent for awhile and with my love of Star Wars, it only made sense to show it.

Pick me please!

1 comment:

  1. I love Star Wars too! Good luck and have fun enjoying the saga through your kids!


Thank you!