
Nikita Season One on DVD Available Now

Ready to buy Nikita Season One on DVD?  If you are a Nikita fan, you won't want to miss out on purchasing the entire season one on DVD now.  Catch up on Nikita and Alex and how they grow their relationship into a team.  As the series progresses, Alex's desire to help Nikita could result in his death but he continues to risk his life for her.  In life, we are faced with many requests and although most of us will never be put in harm's way due to one of these requests, some are.  The only time I can remember of being put in a compromising situation was someone very dear to me was suffering drug withdrawals trying to clean herself up.  She wanted me to purchase illegal drugs which of course I refused.  I love my family and friends but I would never put my safety or life in jeopardy.  

I've heard of crazy requests before but I suspect my life it a tad bit boring as I don't have anything stranger or potentially dangerous then that.  How about you?  Ever had any of those daring Nikita and Alex moments?

Love Nikita?  Check out how you can purchase the complete Nikita Season One on DVD now.

Nikita: Should Have Told Michael
Nikita: Reassure Me
Nikita: Towel Girl

I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Nikita Season 1 on DVD.

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