The Middle Season Two on DVD/Blu-ray Available Now
When I was a kid, we opened our Christmas presents and then tried to hide the damage on the paper. Being a kid, you think you are just as smart or smarter than adults and couldn't conceive of the outcome being anything but stellar. Unfortunately, our grandiose plan didn't work and although we were all smiles and giggles because we knew what "Santa" was bringing us, it quickly ended when my mom discovered the truth. First, we should have never had peeked but then we were kids so what do you expect? We probably should have confessed when first confronted but are you kidding me? Who on earth would fess up to something like that? I don't know if our punishment would have been less harsh had we told the truth but as I reflect back, I know we should have.
In one episode, Brick shares Sue's room where they accidently knock a hole in her wall, they try to fix it but only make it worse. They attempt to cover it up by putting a poster over it but it doesn't work.
Have you ever been in a situation similar to Brick and Sue's? See how the Hecks brilliantly true-to-life kids cover up their accident on The Second Season of The Middle on DVD, currently available for pre-order ( that hit the shelves on 9/27/11!
Season of The Middle on DVD, currently available for pre-order ( and hitting shelves on 9/27/11!
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