
Angels4Epilepsy First Annual Kids Design It Christmas Card Contest 9/26

For the first time, Angels4Epilepsy is sponsoring a Kids Design It Christmas Card contest.  We want to sell Christmas cards to help provide additional funding in reaching our goal for more deliveries to children hospitalized.  If your child wins, his or her design will be feature on cards that we will sell with all profit going to Angels4Epilepsy.  His or her name will also be printed as the designer of the winning card.

Age Categories:  
  • 5 - 7 
  • 8 - 10
  • 11 - 12
  • 13 - 14
  • 15 - 17

Details & Rules:
  • All designs should be drawn on 8.5" x 11" standard white paper
  • In order to be of high print quality, designs should be in bright colors with strong borders.  Felt tip markers work best but crayons and water colors can be used too as long as colors are bright.  
  • Pastels and chalk do not work well.
  • The artist should sign their art with a bold black marker.
  • All designs should be sent to in high resolution or via mail to 6812 Toluca Drive, El Paso, TX 79912.  
  • Names should be clearly included to ensure each artists is given full credit.
  • Entries must be submitted by September 26, 2011.
  • A panel will review each entry and will vote to select the winning entry.
  • Winners will be selected by October 1, 2011 and notified by e-mail.
  • Designs become the property of Angels4Epilepsy for further use with the artists name listed on the design.  A release will be required to be signed upon finalization of the winning designs.
  • One entry per child.


One random winner from the winning designs will receive a $50 gift card to either Walmart or Amazon.  All winners will receive a certificate and one card of their design.

Designs must be submitted by September 26, 2011 by midnight (Mountain Standard Time)

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