
Not Fat Because I Wanna Be by LaNiyah Bailey


In a time where so many children are overweight and there appears to be an increase emphasis on bullying, this is a timely book told by six year old, LaNiyah who is overweight but not because she likes to eat rather she has a medical condition.  It's easy for us that are not overweight to cast first perceptions of others and assume they are overweight because they have no control or just overindulge from time to time.  Rarely do we stop and consider that maybe the person or child has a condition preventing them from being what society deems as "ideal."  

Little LaNiyah, through her story, tells her every day experiences with being teased and ridiculed for being "different."  She is able to tell different facets of how it hurts her, how she shields her loved ones and how she is able to reach out to her loving parents for help, love and explanation.  It's really a good story for all children to hear because they might not realize that their words are hurting someone else and it might help another overweight child feel empowered since they can read about someone just like them. On second thoughts, it's a good story for all to read because teaching children at an early age about kindness starts with the parents.

The book concludes with a poem for LaNiyah from her father, a pledge to refrain from doing something and a Parent and Teacher's Guide.

Book Details:

  • Written by: LaNiyah Bailey 
  • Publisher: Createspace/Bright Girl Publishing, IncISBN Number: 978-1461006763
  • Publication Date: March 2011
  • Genre of Book: Children’s Picture Book

Additional Information:

*Disclosure:  I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book for purposes of the review.

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