
Nikita Season One on DVD

There have been several moments throughout the show that Nikita has been judged solely on her looks, which is a huge mistake!  Of course the show has its appeal to men given how pretty Nikita is but many men and women tend to prejudge a woman by her looks.  There were many times when I first started out in the business I was in where people assumed because I was blonde, I couldn't be intelligent.  I had to go that extra length to prove I wasn't dumb and at times, it was irritating.  I grew accustomed to it and it was always delighted when I proved them wrong.  

Nikita, if you haven't seen it, is about her leaving this secret government agency that grew corrupt.  Since no one was ever suppose to leave, it showcases her continued efforts to undermine the group while they try unsuccessfully to stop her.  It has all the suspense of a drama with the eye appeal for the guys and some fashion candy for us women.

You can pre-order the Nikita Season One on DVD now!

Check out:

Nikita: Should Have Told Michael
Nikita: Reassure Me
Nikita: Towel Girl

I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Nikita: Season One on DVD/Blu-Ray.

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