
Nikita Season One on DVD: The Division

A product thumbnail of Nikita: The Complete First Season
Are you a Nikita fan?  Do you love the spy and intrigue of a good drama?  If so and you haven't seen Nikita, it gives you all of that and more.  Within Nikita is what is called "The Division" which recruits troubled youth, erase their background and shapes them into up and coming spies and assassins.  I could honestly say there is no way that I'd ever want to do that but if you asked me when I was around 18, you bet!  Who wouldn't want something new and mysterious?  

Being younger always makes things more appealing and seductive but as you grow, you learn that sometimes family and children are much better than the alternative. If I wasn't so kid oriented the life of a spy would be appealing and desirable but then Nikita makes it alluring and tempting!  Traveling to all those far away places, meeting interesting people and having to be one step ahead is a thrill!

Would you give it up to take on a life like that? 

Nikita, Season One, is available on DVD now to purchase!

Check these out too:

Nikita: Should Have Told Michael
Nikita: Reassure Me
Nikita: Towel Girl

I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote Nikita Season One on DVD.

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