I've just been down and out this month with my eight year old's run in the Pepsi Refresh project. I've had little time to do anything but network to get her votes. I try to exercise when I can. Today, I rode for 30 minutes on my recumbent bike and then jogged in the pool for 30 minutes but I've been four days without exercise and picked up five pounds this month. Once this dreadful popularity contest is over, I can get down to business in between my first time at home schooling but I'm incorporating exercise into the lesson plan so they will encourage me and I'll keep them healthy.
My food has been horrible with many Heath bars, Rockstar Energy drinks and lots of Excedrins. I'm the poster child for unhealthy this month. I did eat some salads though ..smirk. Overall, when this is over, I need to take the time to reflect on what went wrong and ensure it won't happen again. I know all the things I did to get that temporary energy boost were counter productive as it was a short term fix with a big draw down.
I have learned a lot and know that I must change the mind to be successful and cut out the excuses otherwise, tomorrow will always be tomorrow and I'll be missing out on all the pictures I don't want to take because I'm unhappy with myself. At least it was therapeutic to write this and it gave me a moment to get back to reality!
MAMAVATION TV: Join us Monday night at 7pm PST/10pm EST on Mingle Media TV
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You know what you did and I know you can make those changes!
NO beating yourself up just pick up and lets for from here.
Acknowledging the issues is the first action second is chose one step to take to get you back on track. Good luck with the pepsi refresh, and keep reaching out to the sistahood for support
yeah I have been so bad I haven't even taken the time to write a post ina few weeks. You are always so busy I can see where you just dont find the time.
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