
Mamavation Monday

MamavationIt's time already and I don't have much to report as my daughter is running for a big grant for her 501c3 for epilepsy so all my time has been consumed with networking and getting her a win.  I've been aware of my eating habits and made some good choices and managed to job in the pool and swim for an hour on average every day except the last two days since Mr. Sun decided to leave and it cooled down (boo ..hiss!)  I'm a 150% (don't you hate when people go over 100%?  LOL) summer girl and thrive in the heat and sunshine.  I think I'm a little tired too given my networking.  I also managed to hop on the bike here and there and am going to add the Kettleworx ONCE I can find it as the packers did a miserable job packing.

Overall, I gained nothing and actually ended up losing a pound or two so that was a nice surprise!  This week, I plan on incorporating the bike into my evening routine and finding that kettle ball.  The good news is....FOOTBALL is back!

Hope it's been a good week for all you other Mamavation Moms!


  1. Congratulations on losing weight. Good that you will be adding the bike ride and you are keeping track of your food. Hugs

  2. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. I hope you are able to carve out some more time for yourself this week. Best of luck with the contest, too.

  3. Good for you for doing what you can to stay active! I think it's okay to take a step back from time to time as long as you try your best, which clearly you have done! Life happens, so we need to go with it. I wish you and your daughter the best of luck with the grant!

  4. WTG for finding time to exercise even with being so busy! Good luck to your daughter and have a great week! (and YAY football!)

  5. I like summer too, but with the heat we've been having and lack of rain, I'm over it... Good luck to you and your daughter on the 501c3 grant!

  6. So you posted a loss? Congrats! It's awesome when we can do that even when we're running around nutty, right?

  7. I didn't realize you had a daughter. I hope the race goes/went well. That is a great cause. I thought your weekly workout in the pool sounds great. Too bad they don't make sweaters into swim suits for you, haha.
    Good luck staying warm as fall sneaks up. Woohoo for football!

  8. Thank you all so much for the mamavation and well wishes for my daughter! I have a 23 year old (and she has a 10 mth old), an 8 year old and a 4 year old coupled with two step children ages 17 and 18. :)

  9. Oh wow! You have your hands full. I got thinking after I posted on my phone here that you had a lot of girls. How are you and your oldest doing? She is quite a distance from you more right?

  10. My goodness it sounds as if you've been busy! Congratulations on your loss and I hope you find the missing gear soon!

  11. Good memory, MNM! We're missing each other terribly since we've never been apart. I miss her and the baby so much! I keep trying to find your blog and am either having a blonde moment or can't find it! Help! :)

  12. Thank you, Katie! Still haven't found it and I need to because the pool without a heater is getting cold! Thanks!


Thank you!