
iAgeSmart Launches New Multivitamin to Fight Against Aging with Nine Special Ingredients

iAgeSmart BottleI'm into the latest on being healthier and since I don't always eat well, I like to have a supplement to make up for what I'm missing by eating properly.  It's so hard to get in what I want with such an active schedule coupled with children with chronic medical conditions.  I am currently reviewing a complimentary bottle of a new multivitamin from iAgeSmart which is aimed to fight against aging with nine special ingredients.  Although I realize that I won't be able to post a quick review as vitamins don't typically provide a big immediate difference, I can post on what I know so far which is the multivitamin is easy to take and has no foul odor as some do.  I also like that there is no after taste.

What has drawn me to the iAgeSmart multivitamin is the formula of nine powerful antioxidants -- rosemary extract; green tea extract (EGCG); CoQ10 enzyme; an OPC blend of grape seed, grape skin, and pine bark; turmeric; alpha lipoid acid; astaxanthin; gotu kola extract; and N-acetyl cysteine.  I am sold on the whole prevention versus treatment mentality and would rather offset something before it hits me.

iAgeSmart creator is Jessica Williams who responded to her father's prostate diagnosis and a desire to find an aid in preventive care.  Her quest for healthy aging drove her to creating something that was missing on the market.  If you have read much about cancer, antioxidants are reported to be keys to arm yourself against some cancers.  Our body "rusts" as some state and without proper maintenance, it continues to decline which is where our body can be aided by antioxidants.  

Stay tuned for another review in a couple of weeks.

To read more about iAgeSmart, click here.

To purchase or to find out more, click here.

*Disclosure:  I did receive a complimentary bottle and the statements made about iAGeSmart have not yet been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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