
The Big Bang Theory: Season 4 Pre-Order

Isn't it great that people are not deemed socially beautiful are getting their revenge on television?  It's a little old to see beautiful people on every show as it's just not real.  When I go out in public, I don't see an endless supply of perfect and beautiful men and women rather I see average, every day looking folks.  I have found through my single life that looks aren't everything and when you date someone, it takes more than a pretty face.  I dated a total hottie a couple of times and never went back.  I'm sure it's a stereotype to lump them in one category but I tend to stray towards the average person.  I did date a total geek once and he had a heart of gold.  He had many quirky things that I couldn't overlook after time so that didn't last long.  It wasn't so much the nerdiness rather everything.  

Geek can be chic sometimes though such as the boys on The Big Bang Theory.  Missed an episode?  Not to worry because you can pre-order The Big Bang Theory: Season 4 on DVD today!  Who's your favorite geek of all?

I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to promote The Big Bang Theory Season 4 on DVD.

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