
Wisharoo Park: Wish. Play. Learn. Review and Giveaway 7/31: Closed

Congratulations to ...

tamivape2016Tara Todd , jsc123m, CynthiaBeautyToLove 

e-mails have been sent to each of the six winners who have 48 hours to respond before new winner(s) are selected.

Thanks for supporting my blog and Wisharoo Park!

Children and computers are as common as children with toys nowadays.  I don't mind my children playing on the computer because I think it gives them the skill sets they will need later to learn, develop and stay ahead or keep up with others.  The great thing about computers and the internet are the learning abilities and the fun they can have.  I love the concept of:  Wish.  Play.  Learn.  It's easy but concise as it's what being a child is about. They wish, they play and during both, they learn.  To have all three is a wonderful beginning in helping children expand on many fronts which is where Wisharoo Park comes in.

I received what I have seen as a beautiful chocolate gift baskets full of Wish Stars and a 2-disc DVD of Wisharoo Park.  Unfortunately, I live in the desert so the chocolate melted.  Rest assured, I was able to sample it even if it was melted and I could cry because it was yummy!  I was able to salvage a few of the cute whimsical Wish Star finger puppets so after cleaning those and the DVD up, we were ready to go Wish, Play and Learn!

Cali Wisharoo Monkey B

Wisharoo Park is full of fun characters and a very happy host that reminded me of Heather Graham.  They incorporate songs into fun learning experiences and with children, they don't always know when they are being taught something so it makes it even more fun for parents.  Wisharoo Park is geared towards the preschool audience or around ages 3 to 6 although my 8 year old didn't mind watching it with her 4 year old sister.  It started on PBS and all 13 episodes are available on this 2-disc DVD set!  The other cool part is there is an online site ( that provides so much for children:

  • Games
  • Videos
  • Activities
  • Park Pals
  • Wish Story
  • Story Time
For parents, there are tabs for parents only, what's new, about Wisharoo Park, community, store, press room and FAQ.  Parents will find that the Wisharoo Park series is a 'technology-based curriculum that helps children discover and understand their own personal strengths which promotes greater self-esteem and a positive self-image.'  These are vital to any person in my opinion from childhood to being an adult.

Here is a sample:

The Review:

Both my younger children (ages 4 and 8) and my grandchild (age 8 months) watched the DVDs a couple of times so far.  I think the two youngest enjoyed the colorful characters and the catchy songs.  They took turns with the Wish Star puppets and had a good time.  I myself, enjoyed the teaching aspect the most.  I don't rely on shows to teach but when the opportunity arises that the girls can watch something that is fun to them while teaching, I'll jump on that!  Too many shows don't teach so we don't watch much but with Wisharoo Park, I'm definitely alright with letting them watch it more.  It's catchy, it's fun and with all those wonderful characters, it's perfect for the kids.

Check out Wisharoo Park on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and don't forget to sign up for the newsletter!

The Giveaways - SIX!

Three Grand Prize packages each consisting of one Wisharoo Park DVD and six WishStars = a $40 value each plus Three Runner-up Prizes each consisting of three sets of six Wish Star finger puppets = a $20 value each = TOTAL VALUE OF GIVEAWAYS =  $180

To Enter:

Visit Wisharoo Park and sign up for the newsletter and follow my blog.

Extra Entries:

  • Like Wisharoo Park on Facebook (you will also receive three free songs)
  • Follow Wisharoo Park on Twitter
  • Subscribe to my blog
  • Like me on Facebook
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Enter this giveaway on a linky (enter link address on comment for two entries - can be done five times for two entries)
  • Tweet about this giveaway (can be done daily for two entries)
  • Blog about this giveaway (can be done once for five entries)

Giveaways end 7/31 at midnight (mountain standard time).  Winners will be selected via

US only please!

*Disclosure:  I received the above item(s) from a company for the purposes of this review and giveaway.  I was not paid in any other way. All opinions are 100% mine honest and true.


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    I signed up for Wisharoo's Newsletter!

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  3. I follow Wisharoo on Twitter (@tamivl)

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  6. I'm a follower and signed up for newsletter

  7. I follow and subscribed to wisharoo

  8. I signed up for the newsletter and got confirmation... I follow your blog

  9. i follow wisharoo on twitter

  10. I am following via GFC as Jill Myrick.

    I am a Wisharoo newsletter subscriber as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.


  11. I am a fan of Wisharoo via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


  12. I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.


  13. I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.

  14. I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.


  15. Well, you know by now that I follow you everywhere, and I now follow Wisharoo, tweeted them, and follow them on Twitter...I think the only thing I haven't done is blog about them...watched the videos and found myself singing along at 6am in the morning....scary! Thanks for posting Judy!

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    ***[PLEASE NOTE: I *DO* Follow you Publicly in GFC. GFC has been having problems & may not show My User Name in your GFC List, even though I *DO* Follow You Publicly......and it shows that I'm Following You on my end. I'm getting the issue fixed with Google right now.]

    aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
    THANK YOU!! :)

  20. I Like Wisharoo on Facebook
    --FB Name: Francine E.
    aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
    THANK YOU!! :)

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    --Twitter Name: @BeautyToLove
    aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
    THANK YOU!! :)

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    --FB Name: Francine E.
    aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
    THANK YOU!! :)

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    --Twitter Name: @BeautyToLove
    aliaskys (at) yahoo . com
    THANK YOU!! :)

  25. I am following Wisharoo Park on twitter-laurallee56

  26. I am following you on twitter-laurallee56

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  28. I'm a Wisharoo Park Newsletter subscriber and a GFC follower.


Thank you!