
Ten Reasons Why I Want to Visit Virgina Beach

Summer is here and so are family vacations.  It's a hard task in trying to figure where to go so that everyone will be happy and have a good time.  Planning a great vacation is also fun and the outcome can create a lifelong memory to behold.  I try to plan my vacations so that I'm not only giving me children a great time to remember but I'm also trying to teach them by example to take to their future kids.  I think many people think you have to go away to some exotic place to thoroughly enjoy and embark on something magical but the best things we have are sometimes in our back yard such as Virginia Beach.  From what my family and friends have told me, Virginia Beach is a memorable place full of fun and exciting things to do.  Here are my top 10 reasons why I want to visit:


  • I've never vacationed in Virginia Beach so I feel it would make a great trip coupled with the history of the area.
  • I would love to go sailing and Virginia Beach is ideal for this activity.
  • I can't forget about the opportunity to camp.  What better way to build some memories and have some great family time?
  • Healthy!  I can take the time to relax, try some yoga, go to the spa or visit the heritage store.  I'm all about being healthier this year.
  • Sandcastles!  Did I mention sandcastles?  Oh my!  My girls love the sand and the water and would be in heaven just having some water and sand time.
  • Shopping of course!  Who can go anywhere without shopping?  I'd be right there spending money!
  • Oh the history!  I love history and in fact, I'm busy writing my first novel based on historical facts.  Some of my family even were in Virginia.
  • No vacation is complete without the stop at the amusement park and with Busch Gardens, we're in luck as they have a nice little special for military families.
  • Okay, can't leave an activity out for the husband so fishing it is.  Not only can he fish fresh water fish but the ocean is abound!
  • It's in the United States so visiting will help the economy so that is high on my list for wanting to visit Virginia Beach.

Wherever you start to plan for this year's summer vacation, always remember the diamonds that are within reach.  I didn't know how much Virginia Beach had to offer until writing this post but it definitely looks like a place that could make every person in my family happy.  I would love to visit and take tons of pictures for the scrapbook.

*Disclosure:  I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Virginia Beach Tourism blogging program, for a gift card worth $40. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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