
Mamavation Mondays: Week Two


I was bad, I skipped last week's post mostly because of life.  I had a lot going on but mostly it was planning for my 23 year old's birthday as well as an interview for my eight year old's non-profit.  We had a great party that gave me the bad excuse to eat what I wanted over a two day period and I paid for in the amount of three pounds.  I pick up weight by looking at food.  The good news is, I'm still keeping off 15 pounds from when I lost it post May.  Our party was good and all three of my kids and grand baby had fun:


My plan has been mostly working out in the pool every day and watching what I eat in terms of carbs and calories by following the controversial Dukan Diet.  I've been focusing on protein and low fat foods granted I know I need fruit and vegetables, I figure the short term sacrifice is okay given how being overweight and unhealthy in the long term is far worse.  So today marks back on the bandwagon and loose those pounds!

My goal next week is to report a weight loss!


BLOGGING CARNIVAL: This week’s blogging carnival is sponsored by Grunt Style. Two blogging carnival participants will receive a shirt from Grunt Style. Answer the following question in your blog post and link back to the Grunt Style website. Link up your post here.  You can join in too if you would like to become a Sista or just learn some great things!
Question: What has been your favorite Grunt Style workout? If you aren’t doing his workouts what has been your strength training routine?
I am not doing any of the Grunt Style workouts and and I'm not doing any strength training even though I know I should.  I do have a Kettleball and every now and then, I do use it but not near enough.

This post is sponsored by Grunt Style and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation and sponsored by Grunt Style.” at the bottom of your post.


  1. Curious - what made you choose the Dukan Diet?

    And keep up the good work....but at least give the GruntStyle challenges a try! You do need to do some good strength training :)

  2. Good luck this week. Hopefully the scale moves the way you want it to.

  3. Mia, I had read some things about it awhile ago and liked that after you did the three to five day cycle, you had fruits and veggies every other day so I thought it offered a bit more healthiness to it while still allowing me to lose weight in conjunction with exercising.

    I know it's not the healthiest way!

    You are right that I need to incorporate some strengh training and I plan on checking out the GruntStyle.


  4. Thanks, Aries Mommy! I am hoping too! :)

  5. Good luck on that loss for next week. Also, I hope the blogging carnival question inspires you to get back to some sort of strength training routine.

  6. Thanks, Kia! I forgot about strength training until the carnival! Thanks!

  7. As others have mentioned, I agree that you should make strength training a new priority. It is so important to help support our skeletal system as we age.

  8. Thanks, Jenn! I'm getting out my weights tonight :)

  9. Yes, life gets to the best of us. Have a great week, and I hope you get some good strength training in. Gruntstyle has some great circuits if you are looking.

  10. Well, special occasions happen. The good news is that 3 pounds is easily taken care of. It's when we slip up and gain 30 that is tougher. Lol.

    Good luck this week!

  11. I hadn't really been focusing on strength training either...but with a reminder from my caoch Jennifer McCay she reminded me that I might not see as much pounds come off, but would see a lot more inches come off with it. So I started this week with a simple set from Denise Austin.

    Also the diet I am following I have cheated every week, and still have lost and while I dont eat tons of meat I get protein from other stuff....and get lots of veggies and yummy fruits in. (sorry not a huge fan of the low carb high protein diets)

    Good luck this is hard when you are busy and have holiday treats. Swimming sounds great and fun. We just opened our pool, so hoping I can get in some of that too. Plus having to wear a bathing suit makes you want it more! lol

  12. You have a great goal. Planning parties for me crumbles my life and I get off track. Well, that's life. The best we can do is get over it and put everything back in place

  13. Owen's Mom, you are right it seems based on popular demand that I need to do strength training! Thank you! I hope you have a great week too!

  14. I agree, Mrs. F! 3 is easier than 30 but I still have a ways to go! Have a great week and thanks!

  15. I loath the non-fruit/veggie diets but I don't have will power to stop eating if it's good which is why I do well on these. I only have to be on it for 3 days and back to every other day with fruits and veggies...yeah!

    You are right about the strength training and I haven't uncovered them from the move yet as our packers labeled everything wrong and packed as if they meant to annoy us.

    You are also right about the pool and suit!

    Have a great week, Colleen!

  16. I agree, Lena! I'm at least good at failing and retrying .. and trying ... trying again....this time it will be it .. yes, again ;) Thanks!

  17. If I look at food I gain, too.
    I don't do a lot of strength training either. Looks like it's something we should both get in the habit of doing. :)
    Have a great week!

  18. I wonder if working out in the pool against the water counts for strength training? Works for me ;) I agree SmallWorldGirl so let's get moving! Have a great week!

  19. Consistancy is the key so find something that works for you - maybe it will be the gruntstyle workouts - those are FIERCE (in a good way) or Kettlebells or Taebo... but whatever it is, if you love it, it won't seem like work :) Good luck this week :)

  20. I started jogging in the pool for 30 minutes and noticed some aching in my legs so that's something! Thanks, Shelley!


Thank you!