
Mamavation Monday


Ohhh nooooooo!  I can hear myself screaming inside as I lost my mamavation to lose weight.  I thought I had tackled the burden of stress eating but I failed.  I had to take my oldest daughter and her baby back to her fiance since we moved from Georgia to Texas.  After spending 23 years together, it was hard.  I am lucky that I have a four and an eight year old at home to keep me busy and my mind off of the sadness but I know it's what is best for her.  Needless to say, when I embarked on my 45+ hour roundtrip drive to Indiana, I failed miserably at eating properly.  I picked up some pounds but nothing that put me back to the end again.  So, I'm back on the saddle and back in ol' El Paso to pick up where I left off.

First step was to get back in the pool and exercise and then I moved my exercise bike into the living room to get some extra time on it for when the girls are fighting and need a constant eye watching them.  Tomorrow is Monday.....Mamavation Monday to be exact so it's Mamavation ME Monday as I'm kicking my butt back into gear.  I have a goal to meet and although it's not until May of 2012, I'm going to get there by being in the best health I can be in.  Dreams lost will be picked up then and I'm going to be ready for i.

I have to take my two to their specialists on Monday and Tuesday but I plan on squeezing the exercising in and eating healthier and for all those that told me I had to do it, I will be adding weights ... yeah!!!

So at the end of the day, I seem to be running a scene from Ground Hog's Day as I keep going back and forth but as long as I keep trying, that is what matters.

Happy Mamavation Monday!


  1. I have my mom visiting again right now and every time I take her home it makes me miss her even more. I hope that you can skype with your daughter to help ease your mind from missing her and the baby.

    Hope you are having an easier time with the house and getting your nutrition goals under control. Love that you moved the bike to the living room. Keep up the good work :)

  2. Good luck this week. Don't be hard on yourself, you were able to recognize that you were eating due to stress. That is fantastic.

  3. You have had a lot to juggle on your plate. Keep trying. You can do it!

  4. Very good that you are thinking about not letting those pounds you won get on the middle of your journey. Good luck!

  5. Glad you are feeling a little better about them moving. We had our grand daughter for a while while her mom got it together and now that she does and we don't see them like we did it is hard but I just remember and say Yeah!!!!!! she finally got it together and is being an adult. Hope you have a great week.

  6. Thanks, MNM! Visiting with my family and leaving those two behind was hard. I tend to think of everything else to divert those sad feelings. A new week! Thanks for the Skype idea! :) Happy Monday!

  7. Thank you, Aries Mom! I'm making baby steps and will get there soon enough! Fingers crossed! :)

  8. Thank you, Jenn! You are right, I can do it! Happy Monday!

  9. I think I've done it enough to finally learn that behavior, Monica! Thank you and have a great week!

  10. A very good and healthy way to look at it, Ms. Mary! Thank you for that perspective! Have a wonderful week!

  11. Back in the gear, Girl
    Life can be hard, but I am cheering for you
    Have a great and moving week


Thank you!