
Are You Participating in National Night Out Block Party August 2nd?


If you are, you have until Sunday to get your Block Party invites out in time for a National Night Out Block Party on August 2nd.  National Night Out is the nation's night out against crime when residents are encouraged to join with their neighbors to have a neighborhood block party, ice cream social or other outdoor event to build neighborhood spirit and unity - which is the first defense against crime. 37 million people participated last year and research shows that when neighbors know each other and look out for each other crime goes down.

There has been already over 14,000 invites go out and people can definitely use WhitePages Neighbors to organize a block party anytime. 

Here is how you do it:

Check out my giveaway for $100 to help host your own block party!

*Disclosure:  I received information to post along with a giveaway.

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