Where does the week go? It seems ever since moving here, time flies and I find myself every weekend saying I'll do better and be more committed but it's like I'm living the movie Groundhog's Day. It hasn't been for naught as I keep bouncing around with one to two pounds up and down and still maintaining my 16 pound loss. I've been making it a habit to exercise in the pool daily. I read that if you job in waist deep water, you can lose 17 cals per minute so even though five minutes isn't long, I've been doing that coupled with laps and playing tag and Marco Polo with my girls. I've also been incorporating some foods like almonds and walnuts for the nutritional aspect. I still need to get healthier with my eating but I've been on a Mexican food kick ... hmmm...wonder why???
This past week consisted of 20-30 minutes of pool workouts and that's been it! This coming week, I plan to kick it up a notch and actually report a weight loss next week. I'm reading a book titled Think, Act, Love, Lose Weight
This week's Mamavation Blogging Carnival Question is:
How have you recently stepped up to support someone in your life?
(online or IRL)
I started a Facebook group with my family to garner some weight loss motivation. It actually started in January and has dwindled down with little enthusiasm. Combined, the group of us around seven, lost over 70 pounds which is wonderful! I plan to kick it back in ASAP. Mamavation Moms was my inspiration to help my family lose weight so thanks, Mamavation!
This week's carnival is hosted by EatSmart Products. I have a small non-electronic scale which comes in handy but I know a digital scale by EatSmart would be perfect in precision.
This post is sponsored by EatSmart Products and I’m writing this to be entered into a EatSmart Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale giveaway hosted by Mamavation .
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Th pool sounds like a fabulous way to be active... and stay cool! The book sounds good, and yes I am in the same holding pattern with the same pit falls every day. I need to get back out of my comfort zone and change my behaviors, too. Have a great week!
The pool is almost effortless for the jogging other than hurting the bottom of my feet. I had no idea how out of breath laps can make you! Hope you find a way to get out of the zone! I'm still hoping every day! Thanks and have a great week!
Thanks for that book recommendation, I will check it out.
Working out in the pool is something I've never done, I've been meaning to learn how to swim!
Best of luck to you this week!
Love swimming, but cannot do much of it because of the kids. G2G for you. Sounds like You are doing very well. Hope you have another great week
Biggest challenge on this journey is the behavior modifications... it's so much easier to go back to the "norm" and I applaud you for taking the steps needed.
You have the power to break free from the "Groundhog Day" syndrome and I can't wait to hear an update next week :) Good luck!
You can do it....I was constantly pushing things off until the next day and figured out I have to do TODAY to see results. I have been in a mexican food mood too...but have switched to using black beans instead of meat...and loading things up with tons of veggies and only a sprinkle of cheese if any. I guess it probably depends what you like. I am making chicken fajitas tonight. I plan on cutting back on the chicken for myself, and doing tons of peppers and oninons...and maybe even doing some with black beans to see what it tastes like. I may also eliminate the tortilla and serve it up with lots of lettuce and salsa. Try some of your favorites and see how you can incorporate leaner meats or beans and limit the fattier stuff like the cheeses and sour cream. (sorry probably going on and on...just thinking about some of the stuff I have been learning)
Keep up the swimming....fun and exercise all at once!!!
That's awesome that you started a weight loss group for your family on facebook. You can continually motivate and support each other.
Thanks, Mamavation Moms! You all are wonderful in your encouragement, tips and advice! I'm happy to be back with such amazing company!
good luck with the pool workouts and let me know how you like the book i might get it myself
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