
No Work Spanish Review


I've always wanted to learn a new language and wanted my children to be able to speak another language.  Spanish seems ideal given the increase of a dual language society.  I was excited to receive my complimentary copies of No Work Spanish Poster Girl and Yaks Walk on Washington.  What makes No Work Spanish different is there is no homework, no language drills as all you do is listen and learn.  This brand new concept introduces the language in English first and then in Spanish so you learn Spanish by listening.  At the start of each chapter, an introductory to repeated words is provided.  After you listen to the chapter which is spoken sentence by sentence first in English and then in Spanish, the entire chapter is repeated in Spanish.

The lessons are available in CDs or can be downloaded.  They range from 50 minutes to an hour and 45 minutes with each story having a different reader.  You can try it for free here.

My Review:

I've been listening to the CDs while I wait for my daughter to get out of school.  I find the time I have is quiet and I can focus on giving it my undivided attention  I have picked up words from listening and I'm sure after longer use, I could pick up sentence structure too.  I do like that I can hear the pronunciation of the words.  The stories provide an enticement to listen as you want to know what happens so that is also a bonus.  I don't think my eight year old would be patient enough to listen to the story over and over again to pick up the words but I think given the right person, it would be a good tool to reinforce the Spanish language and to learn.

You can read an additional review here.

This is a mamabuzz review.  i received product from the sponsor for the purpose of this review. 

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