
Mamavation - Week Six Even Mothers Need Mothering

This past week was an interesting week with the return of my husband from Kuwait and an upcoming move and more.  I decided to reward myself one day and ate too much and then on Friday, I ate half an order of General Tso's Chicken from my favorite Chinese place.  Luckily, it was one of the worse orders I have had from them so I didn't eat it all which is good.  Bad is my daughter brought home a Mother's Day from school which they partnered with the local grocery store who makes awesome cakes so I splurged on that.  That would have been alright as Saturday rolled around as I was doing well until 5 pm when I broke down and had another piece of cake and then a ton of chips and salsa.  I haven't even weighed myself as I know from early yesterday, I picked up a couple of pounds so I'm sure I'm still there.

After receiving my Mother's Day gift from my eight year old, I teared up to see how far she has come with writing her own cards and making gifts.  My youngest was dressed and playing with a puppet that my very kind friend at AdorableBabyClothing sent them.  The picture reinforced why I have to get healthier as I want to see them make all the milestones from childhood to adult.  Today, I'm being pampered as a mother should be from time to time!

I'm on a race to get in shape for our trip to Disney May 20th.  I have been trying and retrying and I keep failing until about three week's ago where I was able to stay committed to my diet of the moment.  I had lost 16 pounds but since I picked back up 2, I'm at 14 down.  I am not letting it set me back as I know that I was rewarding myself for being a mom and although my food choices could have been better, I'm still learning. I did pick up a Kit Kat bar and ate only one of the four bars and put it down.  It wouldn't have been too long ago that I would have devoured the whole thing like a lion to a gazelle but I am learning on my baby step journey.  Today, starts the renewed diet path forward, being patient with myself, so cheers!


This week's Blogging Carnival question:

Do you know when to back off of your efforts? When is the last time you took a step back in the name of gentle kindness to yourself?

I would say that I don't mainly because when I back off, it's all or nothing and when it's nothing, I binge-like eat.  I don't know limits sometimes and I've always been a stress eater.  I'm learning though and when I fall off the band wagon, I think of Pete telling us to reward ourselves not with food but with something else.  I'm making slow progress but I'm making progress so I can't be too hard on myself.  Gone are the days of telling myself I'm fat and never going to do it.  I've been afraid to tell my family that I'm on diet #98789 because I keep failing but to me, as long as I keep trying, I'm not failing.  It took some time to not be so harsh toward myself but I feel success is there as every day, I'm getting there and it's an every day habit.  

I wrote this blog post while participating in the Mamavation Blogging Carnival for a chance to win a Jillian Moriarity workout  DVD from Jillian Moriarity” at the end of your post if you enter the blogging carnival.


  1. Its a sneaky little game that we all play with ourselves when it comes to the sweets and things we love. But oh those kids sure bring us right back to where we should be.
    It sound like its going to be a fun trip. Good luck at sticking with good eating habits to keep the loss amount up. 14 lbs is still a great number. You can do it!

  2. I know exactly what you mean with sweets. I am at the point right now that I do not allow them in the house. I do not have the strength yet to say no. I haven't had a soda or chocolate in 2 months and I hope that some day I can get to the point that I can treat myself and know when to stop. Keep up the good work. You can do it! Reach to your Mamavation Sistas when you need some encouragement :)

  3. Food is my biggest challenge also. I grew up learning not to waste food because we didn't have much. Now I find myself feeling bad if I don't have some... Just don't beat yourself up. Keep going and love you. I know you can lose the weight - it is temporary! Focus on portions and moving. Also have fun with it and have fun on your Disneyland trip! What a fabulous goal. :)

  4. I definitely find if I keep the sweets and carbs away, I do better. I can buy them sweets as long as I don't like it but put a bag of chips or chocolate chip cookies near me and you might as well tempted me with Johnny Depp!

    It will take a lot to keep me on the health kick in Florida but we rented a house with a pool so hopefully that will deter me with having to wear a bathing suit.

    It's going to be busy as we pack up our house compliments of the Army on the 18th, leave for Disney on the 20th and then final destination is Texas on the 27th. Busy!

    Thanks for the mamavation love :)

  5. Ah, the dreaded sweet tooth. I struggle with it as well. Skinny Cow ice cream POPS save my life when I just want a little something sweet after dinner and they are only 100 cals. Good luck with the move.

  6. Congrats on the 14 lb loss! That is awesome. Have a great move and vacation! I am sure this week will be fabulous!

  7. Sometimes I wish I had a sweet tooth, because in my mind it would be easy to jsut not have sweets around. But I have a savory meat tooth, so it's always an extra helping at dinner (and lunch and breakfast) that make my waistline what it is.

    Good luck with the move!

  8. I've thought about the Skinny Cow but haven't tried it yet. Thanks for all the well wishes on the move and kudos back to all the mom's trying!

    For the sweet tooth, I'd love to not have one but I also have a carb tooth. I'm actually trying the Dukan Diet and have been since May with some slips. I know it's not the healthy choice but I wanted a fast kick start before our trip to Florida. :)

  9. good luck with your goals and i know ou can get in shape don't let one bad week get to you just focus on improving your habits and getting better hugs


Thank you!