
Mamavation Week 9

It's been a couple of really bad weeks with the first week getting the house ready to move across the country to visiting Disney for a week to actually getting in a car and hauling all of us 29 hours in two days.  Needless to say, I have not weighed myself and know I will only be disappointed as I am sure I gained back all the weight I had lost.  I was planning on starting the Flat Belly Diet as it seems like a sensible and healthy approach to getting healthier but much to our demise, our new rental home has become a nightmare so not sure when it will become livable and we'll be able to start having the time to eat right.  I know I can make healthier choices but it's hard when it's stressful, you have a sore throat that won't let up and the kids are getting sick to not having suitable housing.

All in all, it's okay because I'll be back in the "saddle" and ready to kick this into gear as I have a pool that will hopefully be clean and ready to use for exercising and fun.

It's a short post but hope my next week's will be more robust and full of better news!  The good side of it all, both girls survived the move with catching a cold for my eight year old and nothing (yet) for my three year old.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that my eight year old's epilepsy stays stable and all the dust and past owner's cat in the new house doesn't trigger any asthma attacks on my three year old given her fragile lungs.


  1. Wow. Sounds like you have had a crazy couple of week. I hope things get back to some brand of normal for you. Making time for yourself is SO important for not only your health but it affects how you can care for your family. Hope you have a great week!

  2. Preaching to the choir comes to mind as I read your post. I've moved 15 times now, almost all of the moves have been over 900 miles at a time and topping that off pregnant or with toddlers or both, lol.
    I usually gain all my lost weight back plus some. It is hard to jump back into the swing of it all especially when things don't go as planned. I hope the rental place will be a quick fix so you aren't displaced for too long.
    Good luck with it all! Big Hugs! Keep your chin up and do what you can in the meantime.

  3. You have been busy and in an odd non-routine lately. This post is a dedication to make this week better. That is all any of us could ask for. Now do it!

  4. Oh man, you've got a full plate. Sometimes all you can do is the best you can do. Just stay with us and don't give up. Right?

  5. Work that pool! Best exercise and you get to keep cool. Whoo Hoo!!!!

  6. Thanks everyone! You all are great! I have to kick it into gear ASAP!


Thank you!