Adorable Baby Clothing is my first choice for all my special occasion children clothing. I love the selection and the ability to quickly choose multiple sizes in the same dress. I might pay a little more but I want to have a special dress that is of high quality and that is what I get from Adorable Baby Clothing. I also opt for that special customer service which I received from this amazing mompreneur who is the sole owner of this online store for not only special occasion clothing but anytime clothing, baby gifts, toys and more. My mother-in-law made a comment that I must have a small fortune in dresses but when I explained how I see these dresses not only functional at the moment, I also see them as heirloom dresses as they will be passed down through all my children. My first grandchild is already wearing old clothes from my three year old so it works out perfect.
Adorable Baby Clothing also has a new blog that you might want to follow as she grows the blog and addresses informative topics to help you. I'm partial to her because she is a mompreneur and I love to support my fellow moms and hope you will take a moment to follow her too! Her most current post is how to measure your little one for a suit which you can find
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